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“And my boy was useful to you, miss?” Zhang Fei, the Leader of the Eighth Correct Place and father of Zhang Fei the Torrent Rider, asked Xiulan as they sat outside his house. His crutches were beside him, and his face was serious.

After speaking with the Lord Magistrate, Xiulan and Tigu had picked up Yin and left to visit the Torrent Rider, while the others had other business to attend to: Xianghua was hunting with Bowu, Gou Ren and Ten Ren, while Jin and Meiling were spending the day with the Zhuge family.

They had come to see how their youngest member was holding up, having been back at home for nearly a week. Some of Xiulan’s sect, those from mortal families, mentioned they had difficulty fitting in when they returned home.

They needn’t have worried for the young man. He had slotted back into his village like he had never left, already a hero from his time fending off the wolves. To Xiulan’s surprise, Shaggy Two had been accepted just as easily. Silver Shepherds, the dogs that the people of the Gutter raised, were already very intelligent animals—Shaggy Two was just an even smarter version.

She wasn’t certain they saw him as a person yet, but Shaggy Two wasn’t exactly helping his case with his adoration of playing fetch and begging for belly rubs—as he was currently doing with Tigu while the Torrent Rider and Yin sparred.

“Yes, Zhang Fei was indispensable in taking down the slavery ring. He hunted them day and night and caught many who would have otherwise escaped,” Xiulan assured the man, taking a sip of tea. “He acquitted himself well, and I am glad he was by my side.”

Zhang Fei’s father looked at his son. Zhang Fei must have been a blur to him, fending off Yin—until she managed to grapple the smaller boy and put him in a headlock. Her knuckle dug into his head as he squirmed, and Yin laughed.

“I didn’t know what to think when he said he was going with you. Honestly… I thought you cultivators might take him into your sects, and I might never see him again,” the man admitted. “I’d made my peace with it. Who am I to keep my boy from bigger and better things?”

Xiulan smiled at the man. “Do you want to know what his biggest desire was, for when we came back north?” The village chief paused and turned to her. “He wanted to ride the torrent, together with the rest of us. He seems quite convinced he's still going to be the village chief when he's older.”

Zhang Fei the Elder barked out a laugh and shook his head. “Of course, why would I think differently?! We have the best Torrent Riding spot here.”

Xiulan chuckled. “I must admit, I’m looking forward to it as well. It was an immensely enjoyable activity—and several other cultivators seem to think the same.”

“Really?” the silversmith asked. “Cultivators Torrent Riding. And I thought the strangest thing was the talking chicken!”

They both sat back to watch the younger ones play—Tigu had her face buried in Shaggy Two’s fur, and was humming with delight. The dog looked just as pleased, his tongue lolling out.

They stayed for a few hours, and Xiulan had a light spar with the young man, his chicken mask firmly affixed, before calling it a day and heading back to Verdant Hill. The Torrent Rider promised to come and play Ha Qi at Jin’s place.


Upon returning to Verdant Hill, Tigu made a beeline to an old shack against the town wall, while Yin headed back home to spend time with her Master. Xiulan recognized it as the place where Bi De said the crone who gave him the map of the Azure Hills lived.

She knocked politely on the door—and an old, bald man opened it.

“Who are ya to darken my doorstep?” the old man demanded.

Tigu blinked. “Grandfather? Is Grandmother in?”

“Who the hells is at the door, you old goat?” an angry voice sounded from further in the house, accompanied by stomping feet, until an old woman appeared. She was blind in one eye, and the other rolled. “Brat. It's you. What are you doing standing in the doorway and letting my hot air out! Let ‘em in, Shu!”

The old man squinted at them, huffed, and walked away from the doorway to the cramped house—made doubly cramped by the actual goat standing in the corner, placidly chewing its cud.

Tigu entered without fear, and Xiulan followed, as the old woman picked up a bunch of animal carvings from a bench and deposited them in a corner. There were many carvings of animals—though some were of humans—and a few had strange characters carved into them.

“So, back are ya?” the Crone demanded. “Did you get a bloody nose from getting all your heroic nonsense chucked back in your face?”

To Xiulan’s amusement, they were served hot water instead of tea—Tigu clearly expected this, as she pulled out a small bundle of tea leaves. The crone snorted with laughter.

“No! We succeeded!” Tigu said cheerfully, but her eyes darted around the room, looking for something—until she startled, as an old, three-legged tomcat hopped from the rafters and landed on Tigu’s shoulder. He rubbed against her face, before hopping down further to land in her lap.

The crone raised an eyebrow.

“Well. You’ve obviously been dying to tell me about it—and I need something to fall asleep to, I guess,” the old woman harrumphed.

Her abrasiveness was quite amusing, Xiulan mused. Tigu launched into her tale—and contrary to the crone’s words, she didn’t fall asleep, instead listening to every word, as Tigu stroked the cat on her lap.

Xiulan just let the story wash over her. Tigu told most of the tale this time, as Xiulan dozed in the warm shack.


“C’mon, you can do it!” I said, as Jinhai stood on unsteady feet. Meihua and Tingfeng’s son had his little face screwed up with determination as he wobbled, reaching his hands out towards me.

I was just out of reach, however, and Jinhai found this state of affairs unsatisfactory. The little man grunted, and with obvious, if ponderous, deliberation, lifted a pudgy leg and took a step forward.

“That’s it!” Meimei encouraged from where she was sitting behind me. Zhuye was in her arms, staring curiously at the toddling boy. Meihua and Tingfeng were behind their son, ready to catch him if he fell backward.

Jinhai let out another little grunt, and then lifted his other leg. He managed another step before he started to tip forward, and a fourth before his balance gave up completely and he pitched forward into my waiting hands.

All four of us cheered at the accomplishment, and I lifted the little man above my head, to his giggling delight.

“Great job, Jinhai!” Meihua said enthusiastically. “You gotta show Zhuye how it's done, like a good Big Brother. Show him the ropes, and help him along, like I had to help Meimei!”

Meiling rolled her eyes at her friend’s boasts. “Yes, of course, Big Sis Meihua taught me everything,” she jabbed sarcastically.

“I’m glad you finally agree.” Meihua returned with her tongue stuck out. Meimei’s eyes narrowed.

“Oho? Then who was the one who gave you that scroll on how to give your husband—” Meihua’s hands clamped over Meiling’s mouth.

“Don’t you dare!”

“Oh, I’ll definitely dare!” Meimei shot back.

I caught Tingfeng’s eye as the women started to bicker, and he shook his head with amusement. Neither woman meant anything by it, and it was pretty funny watching them squabble. I took his son over to him and he took the lad with a smile, as we both sat down and watched the fireworks.

It was a welcome reprieve from the heavy topics we had discussed with the Lord Magistrate yesterday. I had seen both pride and worry on his face.

On one hand, he had a lot to be proud of. His son took out a slavery ring. I was damn proud of Tigu for helping with that. I’d have to do something nice for the guy when I saw him.

On the other hand, the only reason he was in that position, according to what Lady Wu had told Meiling, is because somebody in her family was trying to fuck around doing skeevy politics shit.

Let me tell you that pissed me right the hell off. And while I wasn't going to go all ‘line extermination’, there was definitely going to be some finding out.

And not in the cultivator fashion either.

In a rather more mortal sense.

Namely by telling the Azure Jade Trading Company that the Wu family of Pale Moon Lake City had offended me. Now, I wasn’t the kind of guy to just tell merchants to stop doing business with big spenders like the Wu family—that was just being a normal cultivator. So I was going to sweeten the pot a bit, with something that would definitely offset any losses.

Lowly Spiritual Herbs. Or their actual name, Seven Fragrance Jewel Herbs. My seasonings were apparently cultivation material good enough that the Cloudy Sword Sect wanted to buy them.

So. I wonder how much the Trading Company would get for auctioning a few bundles off that I “had no use for”. That should also help them break into the other markets that they wanted to.

Now, I mostly liked to keep them for myself, my friends, and my family… but the Lord Magistrate counted.

He’d done right by me, and I repaid my favors. Some might say this was too little—but Xiulan had told me her students were keeping the Special Inspector safe for now. It was enough time for the Wu family being blacklisted to percolate through the politics of the city, and let those political ramifications settle.

With luck, of course. I was still new to Machiavellian scheming to defeat my rivals indirectly.

That said, if there was an outright assassination attempt, the gloves were coming off.

So, after the solstice, I would be paying a visit to Pale Moon Lake City, and I would be getting all that sorted.

For now, though, there wasn’t much to do.

After a moment, I turned to Tingfeng, as the girls had gone from arguing to Meihua combing Meiling’s hair—while still sniping at each other.

“Hey, did you know the Lord Magistrate’s son well?” I asked him.

Tingfeng looked a little embarrassed. “Not particularly well. The man was around the palace, and I saw him at a few functions. But before Meimei lit a fire under my ass I… uh, was not the most driven man. And the Lord Magistrate’s son was always doing something to better himself, either studying or drilling in the yard with his sword. He was polite, and well-mannered, but outside the constant working, he didn’t really stand out.”

I sat back and listened to Tingfeng as he told me everything he knew about the man—which honestly wasn’t much.


We eventually got home just as night was falling. We picked up the rest of the crew and legged it home.

We had just gotten Zhuye settled when Meiling suddenly stiffened.

“The smell is back,” she stated, her eyes narrow.

And so, the ritual of attempting to chase the damn thing down began.

Both of us launched ourselves back outside, Meiling leading the way—and to my brief surprise, Xiulan and Tigu were right beside us. We charged out into the back hills, moving as fast as we could.

Meiling started scenting the air, and then she frowned and pointed. “It's leaving! That way! I think it is up in the air!”

I frowned. Whatever it was was going to be far away in the sky, or maybe behind a hill.

I skidded to a stop, squatted down, and linked my hands. “Tigu!”

Tigu got the message. The sole of her foot hammered into my cupped hands as she crouched—and I heaved.

There was a crack of air, as I put in as much force as I felt Tigu could handle, and my girl rocketed into the air—soaring up until she was a speck in the sky in the blink of an eye. I immediately started after her ballistic trajectory.

Tigu traveled in an arc, flipping through the air, and absolutely in control. She had to be over a hundred stories in the air, but she was unconcerned as she gracefully bled off some of the momentum by kicking the air. She didn’t change direction, but she visibly slowed, until she landed on her feet.

Meiling and Xiulan arrived behind us, Xiulan with her swords out.

“Did you see anything?” I asked Tigu.

She turned and looked at us.

“The only thing I saw was a bird,” she replied.

“Was there anything unusual about it?”

“Not that I could tell,” Tigu said with a shrug. “It was flying north.”

I frowned at another bust, and Meiling sighed.

“Sorry for worrying you all,” my wife said, and slumped slightly.

I patted her shoulder consolingly, and Xiulan went from focused and ready for war back to her sleepy look, and yawned mightily.

We headed back home and curled up near the fire. By the time we went to bed, the tension had dissipated entirely.



Its just totally a bird, guys. pay no attention to chapter 2.

Editors: Ayje, BargleNawdleZouss


Keliana Tayler

It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's TIGU. WHOOOSH.

Wolf Eiyn

I feel like Jin should be genre savvy enough to know that the bird isn't always "just" a bird. Although being fair he doesn't have any big reasons to believe otherwise


Nothing is ever just something! Haha.


Is it possible for a mortal to kowtow so hard they bury their head into solid ground? It looks like the AJT will have to run a few experiments. The Jewel Herbs, especially Jin’s variety, in the Azure Hills? That’s a recipe to make the “war” part of bidding war a literal one. Also love how Torrent Rider, for all his growth in cultivation, has his biggest desire turn out to be so mortal. I haven’t read much Xanxia, but from what I can piece together, if a character like him did exist, it’d only be as a mocking cautionary tale of small minded men. Your version is much more to my tastes. 😊

Sean Ulrich

Can I get Tigu doing a Superman flying pose? Please?


Did we skip chapter 12?


This is why you need to listen to Super Kami Guru's advice and kick the bird's ass

Randall Brynsvold

Birds Aren't Real! They're surveillance constructs!



Jens Boettiger

We need art of Tigu with her fluffy old dad

Will Gossage

Stupid Xanxia Land spydrones, it's always the birds, it's always the flying things in video games. Time to get a few bows and go hunting

Randall Brynsvold

Chickens are real, obviously. It's those "birds" that fly waaayyy up in the sky and don't ever seem to land.

Barry Morgan

Even apart from the Seven Fragrance Jewel Herbs for auction, letting it be known that the Wu family has offended THE Master Rou sounds like the social equivalent of nuking them from orbit. Not that they haven't earned it.

Nathaniel Jacob moore

Considering the cloudy sword sect uses them up until I think it was the spiritual realm? And they had crappy versions? And they're considered extremely close allies of the empire, yea I'd say those little herbs are going to put a big ol fuckin' cross-hair on the Azure Hills, and I have a feeling a few friends are going to put forth the old adage of "If you fuck around, you'll find out." Having Shen Yu, the cloudy sword sect and several other beings of immense power showing up, that seems very ill advised >.>


How are the azure jade tradeing company going to avoid being robbed when they step out of the azure hills? Gold grade rice and seven fragrance jewel herbs are super valuable and azure hills cultivators are too week to protect them.

Randall Brynsvold

It's been mentioned that merchants can hire cultivators from outside the province for particularly valuable cargo.

John Pratt

1)They don't have to hire their guards from the Azure Hills 2)Most threats aren't cultivators or spirit beasts, those are actually pretty rare even outside of the Azure Hills. So it's kind of like asking how trans-Pacific trade avoids losses from hurricanes; it doesn't, but it's rare enough that expected losses can be priced in.

E Brown

Just a side note: I laugh every time I read BargleNawdleZouss in the credits. One of my favorite Weird Al parodies. :-)

Paul Millsted

Don't get the Azure Jade to cut them off, get them to up their prices with the Wu .... a lot.


its funny, the thunderhooves said that the bird they found didn't have any qi, but meimei's nose can still catch it, really shows you how cracked good sensorial abilities are

Anthony P.

The bird’s handler just getting more frustrated every day that their super stealth drone is closer to capture is a fun image.

Szymon Szczełkun

Exactly my question they seem little too disproposed to handle such high class goods on their own. Probably they would be forced to go into partnership with some stronger company

Les E

And that's the reason for insane markup costs for just moving goods from A to B. The unavoidable losses, hiring, feeding, arming, training of guards, time cost, everything is added in. Especially in times with dangerous roads and no insurance. Farmers do 90% of the work, merchants and restaurants should earn 10-20% at most is the dumbest thing people commonly say.

Edward Heeke

Yeet! ....also like many others i went back to chapter 2 lol.

Boobby hill

I see now just as my own hatred for the flying rats that deface my car so do these vile airborne miscreants deface the fa ram with their presence and essence Truly a conniving enemy approaches with a stink all too clear of EVILLLLLL


Just a bird, just like Jin is just a farmer


12 intro chapters?


Jin should know that birds aren't real. Gotta hunt down those demon spy drones.

Savannah Black

Where the heck is Washi, that lazy dragon. He can already fly!

Homeless One


Pyro Hawk

Yeah, and this is also the reason why Merchants were so hated in the past. Because people don't grasp the difficulties involved, and they don't grasp how things can have different prices in different locations. Surely if you get something for 90x in one location, you should sell it for 100x at most in another! Pay no attention to the fact that the 'true' value of selling it in that other locations is actually 200x due to the cost of getting it there and that if the Merchant wants to actually make any gains to offset potential bad times (or just the times the thing they buy turns out not to sell well enough), then it needs to actually be 250x. Before we add in the value of 'well, you don't have it here so I can charge more for my service of getting it to you' which is a thing even if it tends to get out of hand fast.

Nicholas Grey

Does Tigu actually realise the cat is her father? She doesn’t seem to behave as if she does.

amin johari

Must have a shock for the demonic cultivator underling. He thought he was safe and then Jin threw a damn cat to the sky! Bwahahaha.


And a few bundles of seasonings buys a blackballing of a big local noble family. Hey what so you think the 7 Fragrance Jewel herbs taste like? I think Jin said they were slightly spicy. So ... bell peppers, jalapeños, paprika, curry?


If they are smart they won't try to sell the bundle all at once. They will send each sprig to a different market, preferably as their first debuts in other provinces. A dozen power auctions like that will definitely help them get footholds in other markets.


Very few people outside of the cultivator community know Jin exists, and thats how he wants it. That's why he is using the AJT company as a front. Though with their recent rise in power, that will be enough for the Wu's to k ow they fucked up.

Zach Gartman

It was Meihua not Meimei who lit a fire in Tingfeng.


Exactly why the Spice and Silk roads were so lucrative despite months of traveling.


Good nothing, she was able to smell Gramps, even after the demon chi was removed. And he has such good control that the Cloudy Sword Sect didn't know he was living right next door for decades. Her bloodline ability is straight up broken.


Nope meimei. She noted he wasnt worthy of meihua ( unless my memory fail me)


Wa Shi uses Dragon Lightning on Demon Bird. It's SUPER EFFECTIVE!

Zach Gartman

I think you are right about the comment, but wouldn't the object of the affection light the fire not the one who made the joke naysaying?

Justus Saucedo

I think this is more of a political statement at the moment. Stopping trade with them is a "stop what you're doing. Or else". Raising prices is after they ignore him and get punished for it.

Neil H

I thought she was calling the "Crone's" boyfriend grandfather?

Demian Buckle

Thank you for the Chapter.

Andrew Denton

No, I think that was just a generic term of respect for the old man. On the other hand...

Benjamin Lawton

Nope, that's exactly what it was. Meimei accused Tingfeng of being unworthy, and he went, "Oh, them's FIGHTIN' words!!!"


Let's be real, between being treated like a person and treated like a dog, the latter is a better deal.

Randall Brynsvold

She acts as though she knows there's a connection. She's spent time with him before, and is looking for him this visit. The first time she meets him, she knows he smells familiar, and "there was something about him". The cat came to sleep with her that night, and left a carving of himself for her. (v2c49: Around the Town, July 23 2021)

Randall Brynsvold

I've been visualizing something fresh and peppery, like watercress or nasturtium, but with a mouth-watering aroma and flavor-enhancing characteristics. You know there's something good there but it doesn't burn. It settles your stomach and you feel better for having eaten it.

Randall Brynsvold

It was in the first book, after Jin and Meiling had dinner with Tingfeng and Meihua because Meiling had a bad feeling about a cultivator in town, just before Zang Li tried to take Meihua: ""And then she called me -- what was it again? Ah! I remember, it was a 'wretched, pig-headed shit monkey?' It was great!" I slung my arm around Meimei's shoulders and pulled her close while Tingfeng howled with laughter. Meimei rammed her elbow ineffectually into my side. She was turning so red, I thought she might have a stroke. Okay, maybe I was being a bit overly familiar, but the girl was cute when her face turned red. Besides, she was elbowing me, she wasn't actually trying to pull away. "Ah, I remember when she called me a worthless slug, sniffing around a lotus flower!" Tingfeng mused. "She was right, back then, and those words gave me the strength to earn my position if only to prove her wrong." Tingfeng grinned at Meimei, walking with Meihua arm in arm as they headed back to the inn."

Randall Brynsvold

"It's unintelligible, I just can't get it through my skull It's hard to bargle nawdle zouss with all these marbles in my mouth Don't know, don't know, don't know, oh no Don't know, don't know, don't know..."

Randall Brynsvold

Washy doesn't immediately mobilize when there's a threat. Valuable time would be wasted in finding him and convincing (bribing) him to do a potentially dangerous thing.

BigBro Bluesman

Oh it's one of those infiltrators gramps was talking about!


The bird is sus... if it wasn't a native bird

Gray Code

I'm not sure the birds are spies. I think they're just the messengers the Demonic Cultivator with the Shrouded Mountain guys is sending status reports through. It's the Azure Hills, nobody expects cultivators zooming around up there on flying swords or having the sensitivity to detect its suppressed taint from the ground. Seems like perfectly secure comms from the outside.

Gray Code

Torrent Rider is probably as high in Cultivation now as Xiulan was when they started calling her the Demon-Slaying Orchid. Obviously he doesn't have the skills, charisma, or command that won her the epithet; even if she didn't actually slay the demon, she did put in almost all the work, but the power comparison makes me chuckle a bit

D J Meigs

Oh good I’m glad it’s just a bird. I won’t worry that it’s some kind of icky possessed dead bird with a demon inside or anything.

Barry Morgan

Yeah, there really aren’t many who know the details about Jin: • Azure Jade Trading Company • The Plum Blossom’s Shadow • Mengde’s Crystal Emporium • Every cultivator sect in the Azure Hills, since Jin told them to use the AJTC to contact him in an emergency • Bai Huizhong But all of these are tremendously influential. And once it becomes widely known that the Wu family is on the shit list of every single one of them, well, the impact on the Wus will be enormous. Everyone with a grudge against them will know that now is the time to strike.

Old Dog

As always, thank you for the chapter. Seeing as how I forgot a couple chapters ago, it is nice to see the next book available for pre-order on Audible, looking forward to it. Oh, and birds aren't real.

Randall Norman Pick

For goodness sake Jin, you have 'Beware of Chicken' outside your gate and it's 'just a bird'?


So kind of like a slightly spicy fresh cucumber or celery? I've never had those 2 you mentioned.




Plus if Jin is “sweetening the pot” so as to not damage them with this request, the AJTC will very much assume he’s suggesting they do more than just backlist the Wu clan. Lady Wu is ready to leak all of her clan’s secret investments to the PBS, so I sense some hostile takeovers on the horizon.


Them partnering with another company is one of the reasons they needed so much capital to break out of the azure hills. Chyou’s grandmother, I’m drawing a blank on her name right now, said it would take a few decades for them to have expanded to those markets outside the hills. Jin’s sale of the gold grade rice accelerated that so much so they’ll probably be established in the neighbouring regions within the next decade. (To say nothing about what this year’s harvest will do for them.)


I feel like I would tell Lu RI. Mei Meis's nose has never been wrong. I would also immediately suspect the bird I am sure it is known that cultivators can control animals or something. Next time, the bird flies by. Blast it out of the sky. break the rocks, burn the fields, chop the logs, whatever, just kill it.


Ah but it says Beware of Chicken not Beware of Crow or some other sort of bird. Clearly chickens are something extra 😄

Laura H

So Tigu saw the evil bird. But did it still have the chunk of ice piercing it? (I just reread Ch. 2; can you tell?) And it will be interesting to see if Torrent Rider's father ends up pushing him out of the village nest and into a bigger future as an Azure Hero, which is the sense I got. If he doesn't, he'll really be stunting himself. He's just too talented! ETA: Also, if he decides to stay home, Tigu will steal Shaggy Two for sure!

Neal Callahan

I think Jin has likely *VASTLY* underestimated what will happen to the Wu family. Because you see, the trading company has very close ties to the plum blossoms shadow, who are very well equipped indeed for machiavellian schemes, and likely will consider it their duty, I rather doubt the day to day of the Wu family will hold up to the lessons their honored founder imparted.

John D Jones

Be Di isn't a "bird." He's a short velociraptor who knows mystical kung fu.

Nicholas Grey

Fully agree she knows there’s *some* connection, but I don’t think she’s actually realised what it is. Note that she doesn’t seem to know the old woman was the one who gave her to Jin as a kitten, she only knows her as the source of Big D’s map. Also, I don’t think she’s realised that the cat is a very special, rare breed that she also belongs to.

Paul Birchenough

I'm really glad it was just a bird, I mean, I was worried after chapter 2.

Randall Brynsvold

I'm thinking of small leaves with the texture of butter lettuce (a bit of a wet crunch), with some of that sweetness, and some of the flavors of radish sprouts and young leaves of one of the spicier basil varieties. (Watercress and nasturtium are less tasty than that, but have the texture and some of the peppery flavor.)

Randall Brynsvold

On his trip to Verdant Hill just before his wedding (Book 1), Jin stopped by "Grandmother's" hut to give her late New Year's gifts, including something from Tigu: ""I'm sorry I couldn't find you at New Year's, but I wanted to give you a gift. You were right, I really did need a cat. This is from me," I said with a smile at the grumpy old lady. I handed her a small jar of maple syrup. "It's not much, but it's pretty tasty." The old lady sniffed at the bottle. "I hate sweet things," she said bluntly. Well, not everybody can love syrup. "And, well, this one is from the cat." I put the little wooden cat, the perfect likeness of Tigger, into her hand. The half-blind old woman stared at the carving. She started laughing. Or, well, more like cackling. After a minute of wheezing, she stopped and stood up from where she was doubled over. "You're such a strange boy. Really, a cat carving this?" Her grin was just slightly too knowing for my tastes." "From the cat" literally means Tigu made it, but it implies that Tigu made it for the crone, which would mean that Tigu knew *where* she came from.


The Wu family is..fucked. A.J.T.C.'s number one supplier of..well the best products EVA! Is upset..they WILL remedy the situation....ie not one grain of sand is going to be sold to them.


“Kung Fu Velociraptor” - well, that’s nightmare fuel for anyone who was at Jurassic Park…

James Faulkner

Plus Jin just gave them supreme-grade spiritual roots like it’s nothing 😂 I’d be shocked if the entire Wu clan isn’t locked up on any charge an auditor can find lmao


She is fully aware that the old cat is her biological father, but that doesn't make him her Dad, that's Jin. So she kind and affectionate towards him, but not in the same way she is toward the man who actually raised her. This was established many chapters ago on one of Tigu's previous visits. Do none of you remember the old cat helping Tigu to get through her recovery from captivity? She knows who he is.


Poor demon birb just flying around doing demon birb things when suddenly SKY CAT! 😸

Randall Brynsvold

Z H, when did the old cat help Tigu, and why did she need it? In "v3 c22: The Girl Who Was a Cat." (June 20 2022), it was made clear that she didn't seem to have any post-traumatic stress from the kidnapping and battle after the tournament: "Master and Mistress, as well as the Blade of Grass, had warned Tigu about the possibility of bad dreams after what had happened at the Dueling Peaks. They said that it was only natural if she felt something wrong and that they were there for her if she wanted to talk. Tigu had none of that. She didn’t know if she was supposed to have nightmares, but nothing had really scared her. Instead, when she dreamed, she dreamed of her Master’s warm and comforting power wrapping around her body and shielding her from harm. She dreamed of their enemies, once on the brink of victory, throwing themselves to their knees at her Master simply gazing upon them. She dreamed of Ri Zu’s face as the rat rescued her. She dreamed of Loud Boy and Rags,injured but alive and clapping her on the shoulders. She dreamed of everybody relaxing in Xiulan’s house, the battle won. She didn’t exactly know what she was supposed to feel bad about. They had won; their enemy had been defeated completely. She could say none of those memories bothered her too much, only that she had grown complacent and had to re-evaluate who was to be treated like a sparring partner... and who was to be treated like Sun Ken. Even then, it all felt like some kind of strange, distant memory some days." The story doesn't show Tigu visiting Verdant Hill until the next New Year's celebration, and the only mention of the old cat is near the end of "V3c34.4: Ring in the New Year Final" (September 4 2022): "An orange-haired girl ran her hands along the top of an old, three-legged tomcat’s head, and then stood, leaving as another girl and two boys called her over."


It was ‘(something useless) sniffing after a lotus flower’ and it motivated him to reach his potential.

Randall Brynsvold

The Torrent Rider does have a spirit beast, and *lots* of experience sparring with much faster and stronger opponents. He can dodge blows that would normally kill someone at his level. Remember Ri Zu at the Shrouded Mountain combat test? She had time to find an opening because she had experience staying on her feet against stronger opponents.


Jin needs to have Merlin Bird ID open next encounter.


This was maybe commented on already, but: “We eventually got home just as night was falling. We picked up the rest of the crew and legged it home.” These sentences might want to be reversed? ☺️