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It had been one thing for the Lord Magistrate to hear about a raid on slavers in Grass Sea City. To him it had been a distant problem. He had approved of the actions of the man who had led the charge; slavery was a distasteful practise. But he hadn’t really thought much of what had happened, as Grass Sea City was on the complete opposite end of the province.

It was another thing entirely to hear the first hand account from those who had participated in the raid—and knowing that it was his son who had been on the frontlines was enough to get his gut churning. 

“He was already in Grass Sea City when you met him?” his wife, Lady Wu, asked. Her voice was perfectly calm and polite, but everyone could see the tension in her shoulders and movements.

The two cultivators sitting before them nodded. Not that long ago he would have been sweating through the back of his robe in their presence; yet here he was having tea and listening to a report from them about his son.

How strange his own life had gotten, to where he broke bread with cultivators and people who could kill him before he could even blink treated him with deference.

“Yes!” Rou Tigu answered, without any guile. “Sergeant Han said he had been Special Inspector for eight months! When we arrived he had already been investigating the slavery ring for some time, and his arm was bandaged from where he had been hit by an arrow. He was quite apologetic; he said if he had his father’s skill he could have cut all of them out of the air, and knowing who his father is now, it makes sense!”

Rou Tigu nodded her head authoritatively. He idly wondered just what kind of image she had of him in her head. She didn’t question the fact that he could cut arrows out of the air—well, okay, he could, but that was so he could run away better! That's what he taught his son! When the going gets tough, and things get dangerous, run!

“And why did he get shot at with arrows?” the Lord Magistrate asked.

“He got caught infiltrating a noble’s mansion—he was running away and took the arrow meant for his companion, Miss Lao of Underbridge!” Tigu reported promptly.

The Lord Magistrate paused. Well, if he was already escaping then that was fine, he supposed. He shouldn’t have been infiltrating a noble’s mansion in the first place, granted, but he was retreating. And he took the arrow for a woman? Well, that was another thing he couldn’t truly be angry about. After all, he was the one who had taught his son to protect those he loved. How could he be angry that his son had followed his instructions?

Still, that did not absolve him from lying! He turned to Lady Wu, who had a vein bulging in her forehead.

“A woman, hmm? Is my son well acquainted with this Miss Lao?” Lady Wu asked dangerously.

“Oh? Yes, she helps him every day! Miss Xinlai does as well! Xinlai is all prickly, but she was the one who saved his life from the nobles. She follows him around, pretending not to care, but her eyes are always upon him!” Tigu informed them.

Another lady?” Lady Wu demanded.

The Lord Magistrate felt a small flash of pride at the words. His boy was attracting multiple ladies, eh?

“Indeed. Shui Xinlai, Young Mistress of the White Water Sect. He was instrumental in recovering her mother’s stolen guzheng, when the artisan who crafted it was robbed,” Miss Cai explained.

That brought both of them up short.

“A cultivator?!” both of them blurted out. He felt his guts clench with terror and horror… before he realised that he was currently sitting with five cultivators.

…he likely would have been more worried a few years ago.

“And… not the only one. My Junior Sister, An Ran, was similarly taken by his, and I do quote, ‘impeccable manners and refined bearing’. They had tea together after he found out where the Whirling Demon Imitators were hiding. Your son did my sect a great service, Lord Magistrate,” Cai Xiulan said, her voice candid.

The Lord Magistrate could only gape. Lady Wu’s tea poured out of her cup and onto the floor.


Several hours later, both he and his wife were staring up at the ceiling of their bedroom, contemplating the tale they had been told.

Their son had gone to Pale Moon Lake City a year before Jin had arrived. Being away from home for multiple years, and learning the ways of the capital of the province, would be a benefit for a young man yearning for some sort of independence. The letters would have sufficed; it was at minimum two and a half months of a round trip to go from Pale Moon Lake City to back home—if he stayed for a month and if the weather was bad, that could be up to half a year away from his studies.

He wished for his son to have a good life. Though he and Bao were good, there was no replacement for seeing and experiencing the capital of the province. The Lord Magistrate’s surname was a fairly common one; and he had burned one of the few favours he had left in the capital to make it seem like his son had been from Needle Ridge rather than Verdant Hills.

He should have been a nobody there. Just another intelligent young man. He would get good grades, get all of his accreditations, and then he would be able to go far in this world. If he wished for the peace of Verdant Hill, he could head back home. If he wished for grander and better things, like most young men? Then he would be well-equipped to seize them.

He had set his son up for success the best he could.

And he had found success. His son, a hero of the Grass Sea. Promoted to Acting Lord Magistrate for his resolution of the slaver crisis. Supported by the people of the city, and by the sects of the Grass Sea for his righteous actions.

The only question was…

“Why did he not tell us?” his wife asked, her voice small and hurt. The Lord Magistrate’s hand found hers and squeezed. A flash of irritation surged behind his brow. Just what was that brat of his thinking, worrying his mother so?!

Yet he forced himself to think about things. He knew his boy. He had always been polite and dutiful and he disliked troubling them, even though he never was a bother—

Ahhh. That was it, wasn’t it? His son had known the politics of his wife’s family. If he had said nothing then the reason was simple.

“He thinks he is protecting us. He does not want to drag us into open conflict with the Wu Clan, because he knows that we would do all we could for him,” the Lord Magistrate said with a sigh.

His wife’s grip tightened on his hand… before she too sighed heavily. “Such a foolish child,” she scolded without heat. “And… who are we to complain, when we have not given him the entire truth of the matter either? We said I was getting better, and made allusions to our new students… but… our son likely still sees us how he left us. An aging man loved in a small town and a woman made of glass, who couldn’t walk some days because the shakes were too severe. How could we have helped him without hurting ourselves?”

The Lord Magistrate nodded. Though their son had been told his mother had mostly recovered from her ailments… his son probably didn’t truly realise what that meant. To him, his mother had always been fragile; the Lord Magistrate still remembered the expression on his son’s face the first time he had seen his mother fall over and start shaking, foaming at the mouth. The look of horror and anguish as his mother suffered without him being able to help.

“He is truly a good man.” Cai Xiulan said, her voice earnest. A woman who songs were already being sung about paid her respects to the child he and his wife had raised.

“The heavens reward the virtuous.” Lu Ri had said, a soft smile on his face. “A good seed grows from a good tree.”

“You know, I hope Zhuye grows up with even half his moral fiber,” Jin had said at the end of things, before they parted.

The Lord Magistrate was proud of his boy. He truly was. Just as much as he was worried about him… because if this was happening then the Wu Clan knew that he was their son.

Somebody had found out about his connection to them, informed the Wu Clan, and then they decided to ‘gift’ his son with a poison chalice.

The last three Special Inspectors had been assassinated. The position had been empty since before his son’s birth.

His son was protected in Grass Sea City already by cultivators and by the love of the people. He was protected by the Azure Jade Trading company. But he didn’t know how to retaliate without dragging his student’s influence into things.

And in the end, if they were threatening his son… then he might have to.

“Dearest? What shall we do about your family?” The Lord Magistrate asked his wife. Whatever she descided would be his course. And if it was to escalate things and ask his student for help, so be it.

“My love, you can leave it to me. Your darling wife will take care of everything., Lady Wu smiled. It was not a nice smile. “My dearest sister overstepped herself. They seem to have forgotten that I was once in the running for the position of ‘First Lady’ of the Wu Clan. I know every single last one of my family's dirty little secrets, each and every safehouse, and all of their hidden investments. My silence was predicated on them not touching me… or what was mine. I’m sure the Plum Blossom’s Shadow would do very brisk business… after we inform our friends from the Azure Jade Trading Company about some things.”

The Lord Magistrate swallowed as gooseflesh broke out on his arms. It had been over two decades since he had seen that expression on his wife’s face. That grim, cold, merciless smile.

She was unbelievably attractive like that. That look of utter disdain was certainly doing it for him.

“I see,” he managed.

“And husband?” she rolled up off her back and straddled him. Her eyes bored into his. “You were the one who said involving one’s students was shameful. I said no such things. Little Meiling and I will have a nice little talk. And then she and her husband will have a nice little talk.” 

She brought her lips low to hiss into his ear.

And then everything else that happens after that is karma.”

“Yes, Mistress,” the Lord Magistrate’s mouth moved before he was fully conscious of it. The sadistic, burning gaze of his wife mellowed for a moment, and then she giggled.

“Oho? Mistress?” she teased. “Well, we can use my courtesy name tonight.” 

The Wu Clan were some of the few who still used courtesy names, as ‘befitting of their noble heritage.’ Of course, it made things confusing, and doubly so when his wife’s mother had chosen one singularly inappropriate—or she thought she was being ‘intimidating.’

His dear’s courtesy name was Wu Zeitian. Really, who names their daughter after the Torture Empress? But that said a lot about the Wu Clan.

Still, it did make the roleplay quite exciting.

“What about the Auditor?” the Lord Magistrate asked for a moment.

“I wouldn’t dream of taking away your toy, my dear. I have a bet with Bao on how long he’ll last before he goes insane.”

The Lord Magistrate couldn’t help but laugh.

“How long are you betting? I’ll do my best to make sure you win.”



Fun chinese history fact! the first female ruler of China's name was Wu Zeitian—and one of the things shes most known in popular culture for all the brutal and humiliating tortures she devised!

Editors: Ayje,  BargleNawdleZouss, Massgamer,



Thanks for the chapter boss!


EMPRESS Wu Zeitan?!!!


Yesssss thank you!!!

Sean Ulrich

This made my stomach go all tingly in anticipation for the upcoming karma!


Crazy coincidence I just watched a documentary on wu zeitan on YouTube


Tigu: Yes, multiple women seem to be pining for your son Lady Wu: MULTIPLE!?? Lord Magistrate: playaa!

Chris Warner

TFTC. I look foward to the grand lady wu ruining all those in her path

Keliana Tayler

New wombo-combo power duo unlocked: Lady Wu Zeitan and Venomous Hong Meiling.


Seems most female rulers back then made a point of proving they could be just as brutal as anyone else. TFTC

Corwin Amber

'Whatever she descided' descided -> decided


I’m single and childless, but I don’t think it’s wrong to say that it’s every parents’ fervent desire to know that their child is walking a good path. I can’t wait to see their reunion full of tears, “you fool”s and “we’re so proud of you”s. And karma. Hopefully something Shen Yu’d appreciate.

Benjamin Lawton

Fun little side-fact: Besides the Torture Empress part, "Lady Wu" was also the (only known) name of the mother of Sun Ce and Sun Quan, of The Three Kingdoms fame.


Fifty Shades of Woe with Lady Wu..... Zeitan!

Kat Wilton

Oh, our lovely Lady Wu is PISSED OFF!!!! It's really going to be delightful watching the Wu Clan *find out* {eeeeeeeevil grin} #FAFO

Patrick Gould

Tftc amazing as always!

Randall Norman Pick

Well, that's it for the Wu Clan. Everything after this is just body disposal.

Cyrus McEnnis

Ah, yes, the Lord Magistrates Wife. Truly a paragon of virtue, a wonder to behold.

BigBro Bluesman

2 weeks..and who the fuck names there daughter that?! I mean in general that's just horrible if that's your inspiration!?

John D Jones

Oh yes. The Wu clan has fucked around. Now they're about to find out. And Lady Wu isn't fucking around about that either. I'm not sure TLM quite grasps how dangerous and terrifying Meiling can be. Jin is more "powerful" than she is, but there's a lot of stuff Jin isn't willing to do to someone that Meiling absolutely is willing to do.


Thank you Mistress! May I have another?!?

William Mileham

Ha! You named Lady Wu after *her*!? That's awesome


This is what wanted to see so much

Samuel Wang

Inb4 they send a message too their son via recording crystal. Delivered on private, a slap in the face and a "You're breaking your mother's heart!"


It probably has a funny event behind it. Like dragging out long unwanted courtships and making them increasingly unlpeasant while still remaining particularly unblemished by association.

Elias A Rosado

She was also the only successful and legitimate female ruler of China, who apparently single-handled uplifted China’s game in multiple ways


I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve gotten a big, shit-eating grin on my face when your characters go all badass. Long live Empress Wu!!


The more I learn about the Lord Magistrate the more I believe that he’s Beware of Chicken’s Commisar Cain from Warhammer 40k.

Randall Brynsvold

Before Jin became his student, TLM thought Meiling was gentle and pure and Jin was a menace. I hope he has a more realistic understanding of both of their personalities now.


Corrections: i) White Water Sect -> Grey Water Sect ii) take care of everything., -> take care of everything.", Review: Lady Wu is far more badass than I even made her in my head. You, my friend, have a talent for creating awesome moments out of unassuming characters. Oh, the aftermath is going to be glorious. ALL HAIL LADY WU ZEITIAN


I remember when Meimei healed Lady Wu, man have we come a long way. I’m looking forward to seeing her family in its entirety

Old Dog

As always, thank you for the chapter. This chapter had many chuckles, thank you.


Gods, the joy and laughter. Great chapter.


Ever since the Special Inspector became the acting ruler of Green Grass City and thought "I hope my parents don't find out about this," I've had a mental image of TLM showing up on the back of a dragon with a squad of skilled and trustworthy scribes to help sort out the mess. Wa Shi was glad to help of course, after Jin mentioned the big city must have some interesting food options.

Laura H

Thanks for yet another fun chapter. I had an evil grin on my face the whole time I read it! And as a mother, I totally understand how Lady Wu was briefly so upset about their son not telling them the truth. Kids have a way of hurting you more in "protecting" you than if they'd just been up front from the beginning! And I am very much looking forward to the two women's scheming and the karma that results!

John D Jones

@ Randall Brynsvold It's not like Jin is going to tell TLM "Be careful. Meimei is a terrifying angel of vengeance." TLM probably thinks of Meiling as "that cute freckled girl who cured my wife and married Rou Jin." I think Lady Wu Zeitian knows, because she's Meiling's teacher. Okay, new thought and wishlist. Lady Wu, Meiling and human form Pi Pa take a little "girls' trip" to wear the Wu clan is to deliver the message that no one fucks with Lady Wu's son without suffering terrible consequences.

leopard eye

Does the Lord magistra know the other identiteit of his new friend Lu Ri. I can totally picture him just not seeing any reason to mention it.


Oh they goofed, now Jin is going to have to go frown sternly at the Wu clan.


White water sect was a change made for the edited releases so that is correct now.

Paul S.

Great chapter!

Nicholas Grey

That's not her actual name. "Courtesy names" are... weird - they're bestowed at adulthood, usually at 20 for men, and at marriage for women. So her mother didn't name an innocent child that, the name was bestowed after Lady Wu had firmly established her personality. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courtesy_name

Bunny Waffles

That has seemed to be his vibe. And considering the escapades his son has gotten up to, it is apparently genetic.

amin johari

Wait a minute... I know I've heard of a story like this involving mortals with female cultivators. Are you putting the Special Inspector in a 'Duke of Mount Deer' situation? Bwahahahaha!


Does make me wonder hos Zeitian exists in this world's history. Haven't there been only two Empresses in the CPE?

Idan tal

This chapter was unbelievably entertaining. Beautiful 🤩

Marta Barańska

Brilliant! I can't wait to see lady Wu and Meiling plotting the downfall of the Wu family 😈

Sebastian Osterbrink

The CPE incorporated or conquered multiple kingdoms and other empires when it was expanding. Plus legends from before the empire existed

John D Jones

TLM is Jin's teacher, so Jin has certainly told TLM that Lu Ri is fairly high up in the Cloudy Sword Sect, though not an Elder of it. That said, TLM has interacted quite a bit with Lu Ri and knows that Lu Ri is a scrupulously honest person who conducts himself in a forthright and honorable manner. Meiling is many thing, but when it comes to protecting/avenging those for whom cares, scrupulous and honorable aren't among them. Girl plays the dirtiest if you mess with her and hers.

John D Jones

@ Featherweight They wish it was Jin. Jin doesn't like violence or deception. Jin would go to the Wu family and tell them "This ends here and now. Or else." Jin believes that everybody gets one. Meiling, on the other hand, is a "no second chances" kind of girl for the most part.

leopard eye

I meant his identity as master scribe though. The plum blossom shadow would be very invested in casing the maximum amount of damage if their boss suggested it.


Lady Wu knows very well as we had a chapter from her perspective in an earlier book where she was thinking that Meiling's character was scary, and now she intends to unleash it on some assholes😂. Can't wait


Oh no. Meiling is a faithful Wife. She would follow her good Husband's desire and give you a second chance. After dousing you in a vicious itching powder that lasts one and half a day. Of course she paralyzed you for one whole day so you can't scratch. But as she is merciful, she put an antidote in front of you. When you were still paralyzed. But at least as soon as that wears of you can get rid of the terrible itch. Then you will just have to deal with the constant vomiting that lasts for one additional day. From both ends of course. You knew it would do that to you, but that was still better than the itch. After you endured the side effects of the antidote you are ready for your second chance. You are also 100% bald and now neon pink, but that should fade in a few months.


Oh yes! Can’t WAIT to see the absolute DESPAIR that will rain down upon the Wu family ❤️

Demian Buckle

Thank you for the Chapter.


The first female Emperor of China ever!

Some guy

Also, it's noteworthy that the accounts of torture were likely added after the fact. Slander of female rulers is sadly common (I mean, it's common for all rulers, but especially female rulers - like the stupid Catherine the Great horse story). The Smithsonian had a pretty good article around a decade back: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-demonization-of-empress-wu-20743091/

Just A Dude

Lady Wu mentioned giving/selling information on the clan to the PBS, so it's certainly not impossible that she knows, but it's not been confirmed.

Mikah Burdette

I love waking up to a new chapter ❤️


👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 & with the truth revealed a Mother's Wrath Unleashed

D J Meigs

Dear son, Your mother and I recently enjoyed tea with my student’s daughter. She regaled us with tales of her recent travels. One tale in particular couldn’t help but grab my attention for its protagonist bore the same name as you. Ours is a common name of course but it is still quite the coincidence isn’t it? It was a story of remarkable courage and ingenuity. Where good deeds are rewarded with the goodwill of good people. And heroes and flowers, and flowers that are heroes, gathered around a central figure to take down evil doers. And the whole time I pictured you in my head because of the name. It is the fanciful vagaries of a father of course to imagine my son as a hero of the people. And far be it from me to wish you anything but a peaceful time in the capital, but I do wish you a little adventure and good friends! Like the man in Rou Tigu’s story. Do not worry about causing a little trouble. That is the prerogative of youth. I do believe your mother would enjoy hearing of such and offering advice. Now that she is fully recovered she finds herself often with a surplus of energy. Why she has become bored enough to want to contact her sister! I reminded her that they always ended up fighting and the thought seemed to delight her. Setting herself to get you out of some minor trouble would thrill her. She even talks of dragging her student into it, truly she can be quite terrifying, it reminds me of when I first met her. I would recommend steering clear of Grass Sea City however. As proud of him as his parents must be, the man in charge there seems to be quite the magnet for trouble. A trait I thankfully did not pass on to you! Know that I am proud of you whatever you are doing and that I look forward to meeting the man you are becoming in the near future. You’re father, TLM

D J Meigs

Wasn’t sure where I was going with this, but I had fun being TLM for a little bit 😂


You don't know how bad I want human form Pi pa(and Chun ki too) that group would fuck up a whole city

Alex Ingraham

I'm soooo excited to see what Lady Wu and Meimei will concoct!! Slightly terrified, true, but suuuper excited 😈😈😈

Gremlin Jack

It seems a common theme, that every ruling empress of China was a raging c*** . I remember two off the top of my head, and both of them were responsible for drastically shortened life expectancies among the members of their own court.

Laura H

Wow, Drakenclaw, you have a marvelously evil mind! I hope you give CF some ideas. Heh heh heh... 🤣

Laura H

I watched the documentary on Empress Wu that was referenced here in the comments (thanks, whoever that was!), and archeological evidence uncovered In recent years shows that a lot of what has been said about her was from the patriarchy that hated her and wanted to destroy her image after her death. Meanwhile, she did a lot of good and helped make the Tang dynasty rich and powerful, although she had to stay ruthless to maintain her power. She was a lot more complex than she's been given credit for, ultimately, but she wasn't 100% evil after all. Only partially -- but probably no mooore so than any of the other ruler anywhere in the world at that time!

Pyro Hawk

Well, we've had the revolution in the Cultivator Sects for the local area, we're seeing the revolution in the Commoners rolling out thanks to the tractors and all sorts of other developments that have been brewing up. It was about time we see whatever revolution was coming for the Nobility.

Travis Holley

Machismo throughout the ages. Of course they had to be twice as or more vicious than the men they succeeded. If they showed anything that would appear to be weakness, they'd have enemies beating down their door immediately simply for being "women"


Kinda wish i could heart this twice

Randall Brynsvold

The only ones that "know" that Lu Ri is the Master Scribe are Rags and Xiulan, as far as we know. If TLM knew, he and Lady Wu would have gone to Lu RI for confirmation about their son instead of waiting for the report from Xiulan and Tigu.


I realize this isn't really a world of narrative causality, but I still want to point and laugh at the lady who saw *Wu Zetian* married to *Zhuge Liang* and thought "that looks like an easy target!"


Also lol that casual mention that the Lord Magistrate can, in fact, cut arrows out of the air.


@JohnDJones Yes please. Pi Pa is a glorious terror in her own right


“Fun fact” -lol


It’s tough to say whether the TLM and Lady Wu know Lu Ri is “Master Scribe”. Lu Ri certainly wouldn’t lie to someone he considers a dear friend and colleague, but he also has a habit of omitting details like these because “you never asked”. The fact that TLM are aware of the plum blossom’s shadow is likely because of their talks with the Guan siblings.


I wonder how her courtesy name sounds to her ears, when she became an actual tortured princess.

Gray Code

Ah, I was wondering about that. Got a bit confused when recently re-reading book 3, because I'd remembered Xinling as part of Grey Water from the RR Book 5 chapters.

Randall Brynsvold

So, now that Meiling and Jin are being aimed at the Wu family, presumably in Pale Moon Lake City and not Grass Sea City, these are a few of my current ponderings: 1) Will TLM and Lady Wu, with a cultivator escort, visit their son in Grass Sea City? (The cultivators can be residents of Fa Ram, in beast or human form.) Or is Lady Wu (with or without TLM) going to confront her family in person? 2) Is the provincial government going to approve (or perhaps *greatly* approve) of the Wu family's chastisement? Someone from that organization allowed The Special Inspector to round up the slavery ring and quickly appointed him to act as Magistrate. Someone from that organization also quickly approved Lu Ri's and TLM's postal plans. Will Lu Ri find one or more kindred spirits in Pale Moon Lake City?

Alex Rahr

I had the impression Lady Wu wanted to aim Meiling and thereby Jin at the problem. Also some information warfare, but she can probably do that by letter.

Victor Segura

Man, Wu Zetian is one of my favorite chinese Emperors. While the story of torture was more than likely exagerated as propaganda, Emperors using torture and secret police is like standard for any ruler of the era. She was an amazing statecraft, her reign was incredibly peacefully, Zhou (as she renamed it) flourished, civilians were happy and safe-ish and she lowered tremendously the corruption in court, down to creating an actual functional meritocracy. I hope that in Beware, she is not only remembered as the Torture Empress, like FGO did so dirty to her. Also, what was she Empress of? The Azure Hill only had (forgotten) their only Emperor, and I doubt that the Phoenix Emperor would tolerate any country claiming that title. So she should have been alive before even the demon wars, over 6000 years ago, shouldn't her? Before even the Tyrant of the Crucible and the emergence of the Mist? Or was she an Emperor of one of the mist zones, and was so legendary that her name resounded for millenia as an empress?

Melanie Me

Are we ever going to learn The Lord Magistrate's name?

Kali Smith

I keep coming back to read this and the previous chapter! Love some good viciousness disguised as helpful and now Lady Wu….much anticipation of more viciousness.