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What is this movie!! I’m pretty sure my mom would be pulling out the anointing oil after watching this, but man the ideas were interesting here.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/ay-LB1om2fY



g g gooding

A detail that I don't get! Help me learn, y'all? The Devil's got a lil fella with him. This flick references a lot of lore and literature. That creepy lil krampus guy seems very, *VERY* specific. Anyone know? Its not the Bible, Milton, Dante, or Shakespeare that I know. Thoughts?

g g gooding

Word that the girl playing Mary knocks it into the heavens. She's SO good! "...they don't bleed. Not like we do..." Damn (ahem), girl! Curious that you have listeded some *other* silly movie I've babbled about in years past. I genuinely don't know what. Cheers for not saying what. I guess we'll find out...