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So we meet Martha Jones! This episode really demonstrated the strong qualities she possesses that drew the doctor to her. Plus we had alien rhinos on the moon! What’s not to love.



Phillip Grischa

Love Martha, she's a great addition to the show.

Alfred Höttl

This series has a couple of my favourite episodes but is my least re-watched series. The acting is good, the stories are enjoyable, but for me there is one thing about Martha that I just don't like much. Just to be clear, I am not speaking of the actresses race, which sadly is what a lot of people jump to when someone says they don't care much for Martha. With that said, nice reaction; I know I will enjoy watching the rest of this series with you.


Fun little fact about The Doctor calling himself John Smith here! To my knowledge the first time he used that alias was as the Third Doctor - which led to him meeting Sarah Jane Smith!


LOVE that little tidbit! I think they referenced him being called John Smith in her episode last season so that's perfect.