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I am so glad I finally saw this one! Different than I expected, but just as good. I thought it did an amazing job of revisiting a significant moment in BSG history while helping set the stage for season 4. I'm ready!

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/94d8i39CfYM



Tom Servo

I respectfully disagree with your post-watch thoughts on where this particular story nugget belongs in the overall cinematic timeline, although I can see both perspectives. If you see Razor as primarily the story of Pegasus, and with a few bits of bonus larger implication narrative tacked on, then I suppose it would have worked fine in season 2. However, if you flip that around and see this as primarily about the "bonus larger implication narrative" and using the Pegasus story as a vehicle to put those things into the universe, then it absolutely should be right where it is between seasons 3 and 4. Had this come in season 2 (as it is), it would have been the first introduction of the concept of hybrids, as well as some questions about Starbuck that hadn't even been raised yet. It would have been putting a hat on a hat on a hat in the context of season 2. I think if we're being honest, the Pegasus arc was fine as it was originally presented, and didn't have to be fleshed out beyond what was presented originally. As a "revisit" vehicle for the things going on at the end of season 3, I think it was a good choice to provide some context and foundation for things going forward, as well as a good opportunity to provide some relevant philosophical reflection. Also... you made one offhand remark during this watch that I literally laughed out loud at while thinking, "Oh boy, he's going to regret saying that by the series end." Quite possibly the best/worst "if he only knew" moment of all your reactions so far.


Oh this is definitely the right spot to watch this in it's current form. I just find the idea of telling a season 2 story that futher's season 4s theme an odd decision. But I often have minor gripes about the timing of telling certain stories so that's just my thing at this point 😅 PLEASE remember to let me know what the comment was when I finally know what I need to know in order to regret saying it. 🤣

Cei Stockport

Basically Razor cleared up that Cain was always a hairsbreath away from being a psychotic nutjob and that the crew of the Pegasus were mostly a band of pirates waiting to happen and if I can be a little critical Chris, you show a lot of leniency towards murderers, mass murderers and assorted war criminals as long as they are human. Shaw didn't deserve a commendation for bravery she deserved a firing squad for murder, as did Cain for mass murder and war crimes and the entire crew of Pegasus deserved to be court martialed for, at the very least, gross dereliction of duty in a time of war.


I'm not sure I'm lenient so much as I went into this knowing the main characters of the pegasus crew were horrible people, knowing about the massacre's etc and I just decided to watch the film and not be judgemental towards the crew because that wouldn't be fun for me. I mean I'm still pretty angry at Adama for ordering Cally to be killed and she didn't even die. If any of our main characters had done any of those actions it would have been a very different reaction.