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Tyrol and Cally are in a desperate situation and Adama is having an active imagination day. Interesting episode, but are we sure this is season 3 🤔



Tom Servo

Episodes of serialized television really should be judged by two completely separate metrics; how the episode lands the first time, and then how it lands on subsequent re-watches when you know what you know and you're seeing everything with knowledge of the grand context, and how an episode serves that. Watching along with you on your journey is (I think) my 12th time doing the series front-to-back, and in terms of overall story narrative, this episode does more heavy lifting than Arnold Schwarzenegger circa 1970.


That’s definitely true! Some of the episodes I haven’t cared for have grown on me. We’ll see if this one does the same.

The Inedible Mattman!

I always forget that up till now in the show we've seen very little of the Chief and Callie's relationship. It was a sudden reveal when starting the season, and then we never get a break long enough to really watch them. I love this episode for giving us that, you know? Something I didn't know I needed until after I saw it. :)


That's true. I just accepted it and hadn't thought too much about it. I think the most we saw of it may have been in the webisodes. It was great to really spend time with them.