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I suspected this film would involve a child receiving a ton of money, but it is so much more. A wildly entertaining feel good film that succeeds in both style and substance. Thanks g g gooding for selecting this one!



g g gooding

Why Y'all *should* watch this: Christmas Movie for the whole fam. Kids AND cynical adults both can enjoy this. The acting is solid, the imagination is over flowing, the jokes are funny and the threat is real. But I love this most because it's "nice" without insulting my cynicism/intelligence. Its more akin to Elf than Wonderful Life...but much stranger than Elf. Which "strange" is the jelly in *my* roll, to use a Britishism.

g g gooding

Chris, you stopped talking a few times. My goal with suggestions is movies that are *so* enagaing that you forget to do your "job" because you're into the flick. So, awesome!!! Your question: where did the charity grubbers come from? 94% sure the answer: Peter specified that God *couldn't* directly intervene because of "free will". Like Peter's retelling of the fishes and loaves - magic didn't happen, greed became generousity through free-will. The "miracle" was kindness and sharing, not God "beaming" in extra cooked fish for everyone. So the charity workers: God and The Saints stopped the Bad Guy by sending modern (latter day?) saints in of their own free will, instead of God pulling a magic trick to fix the world He made. Maybe. Maybe not. Debatable. Glad you seemed to dig the movie. Too bad most folks ain't never seen it, cause it's an order-of-magnitude better than Blank Check 🤗.


I would never stop talking 😅 except when I do. Honestly, I try not to overtalk, but most of the time I do anyway so I appreciate your goal lol/ This was a great pick, and while I definitely don't remember Blank Checl other than the weird kiss at the end, doubtless this is better ;)