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A revenge story unlike any I’ve seen. It was fascinating watching Cassie on her “mission” and realizing it wasn’t anything like I thought. Even more engrossing was watching the excuses and justifications for the sins of the past. Kind of devastating really. Thanks Holly for this selection.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/zEcDFHk-FK8 




Now that you've seen the movie, some interesting tidbits for you: 1.Just to drive home the bleak reality of the situation, director Emerald Fennell originally DID have the movie end with the burning of Cassie's body, and everyone gets away scott free. The producers said that ending was too sad and depressing and made her change it so that everyone got some sort of justice. 2. The title of the movie comes from the infamous Brock Turner case, a Stanford University student who committed rape of another student, Chanel Miller. He was ultimately only sentenced to 6 months, only served three...and was referred to by so many in the media at the time - including the JUDGE btw, as a 'promising young man' (although it certainly isn't the only time in cases like these where the perpetrator has been referred to that way). And similar to many attitudes you see in the movie, Brock Turner's father gave a statement at his sexual assault sentencing defending his son for "20 minutes of action", at no point recognizing the actual victim who was assaulted. He was only worried about how his son was impacted. 3. The reason the pillow scene was so long is because director Emerald fennell's father used to work in law enforcement and he told her exactly how long it would take to suffocate someone like that (roughly 2 minutes), and she made the scene that long to not only make the audience feel the horror of it, but to also show how long Al actually had to change his mind and that nothing about it was a "mistake" - he was making purposeful choices. 4. What a lot of people don't realize about Ryan is that there were a several red flags there from the beginning. For example, she gave him a fake number and told him no repeatedly, yet he still shows up at her workplace (a place where she can't escape like she could out on the street) to ask her again. It's the classic 'I wore her down'. Now in comedies something like this would often be portrayed as cute, but in reality it's absolutely not. Not only does it border on stalking/harassment at this point, but also going to someone's workplace creates a tremendous amount of pressure on them to say yes in order to appease you out of fear that you'll cause a scene in front of their co-workers, clients, boss, etc. In fact, Emerald Fennell has also stated in an interview that there isn't a single thing that happens in this movie that we haven't also seen portrayed in a comedy and laughed at. Another brilliant thing about this movie was her choice in casting. She made a deliberate decision to cast all the men with well-known lovable comedic actors who have a lot of audience goodwill in order to show that the monster isn't always some obvious creep in a trench coat. It could be the cute guy in a coffee shop, the funny guy, the doctor...anyone.

g g gooding

I'm really interested to watch this (all I know is the trailer...which funny that "Toxic" is the background music.) The rape-revenge exploitation movies of 40+ years ago (I Spit on Your Grave, Ms 45, etc) are formulaic and imo, ugly. (Exception: The Laughing Woman is *brilliant*, but no one ever saw it.) Teeth (which I dig) and Hard Candy (which I don't) were "recent" spins on this. They were both different and interesting, tho. I hope this elevates the concept rather than just updates it. The trailer *seems* to imply a sharp satire and not just a clever modernization. I rather enjoy some misandry, but if *that's* the only hook... Regardless I look forward to seeing it! If it's danceably "toxic" like Brit's song: aces!


This is all incredible information! Thank you for adding your insights and background info to this one. Really incredible to see the intentionality and thought that went into every aspect of the film.


I think the trailer is a bit misleading on tone, but I also think when I watched it I was reading into it a bit. The film is excellent though IMO.