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This is how Doctor Who does finale's? I've rarely had a better time watching television. Everything about this was just about perfectly done. Brilliant finale. I couldn't have asked for more.




At the time, it was reported that Eccleston had requested only a single season before he could move on, which conveniently allowed the show to quickly include a regeneration and introduce the concept to younger fans who might not be familiar with it. However, a few years ago he revealed that the truth is quite a bit messier. The BBC execs were extremely anxious about the return of such a beloved staple of British entertainment and did a ton of meddling over the head of Russell T. Davies and the other writers, while Eccleston's own suggestions were typically just ignored. So he left as soon as he could, and agreed to the cover story to avoid killing the show's return with the bad publicity and costing everyone else their jobs, but then enough time passed that he's now comfortable airing the whole ugly truth. You might notice that Tennant's appearance at the end is just a single close-up shot without Billie Piper visible, since that's all they had time to do with how quickly his taking the role had to be worked out. Luckily, things also seem to have calmed down quite a bit since then and there aren't any other stories like it. And while he's made clear that he has no interest in ever returning to the role, he's also quite a bit more comfortable than he used to be in talking to the fans, who he happily calls "you apes."


That makes a lot of sense! It's so bizarre that he's only here for one season, but good on him for putting the show above his hurt feelings. or pride. Whose to say what would have happened if he had decided to cause a scene over the whole thing. Considering it wasn't a smooth as I thought, it is really impressive they were able to get the scene included the way they did at all.

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

The story is a bit uglier than that. Eccleston stated that he "didn't enjoy the environment and the culture that we, the cast and crew, had to work in" and that he did not want to do any more based on the experience. He added: "I wasn't comfortable. I thought 'If I stay in this job, I'm going to have to blind myself to certain things that I thought were wrong.' “My relationship with my three immediate superiors – the showrunner, the producer and co-producer – broke down irreparably during the first block of filming and it never recovered. They lost trust in me, and I lost faith and trust and belief in them." "When I left, I gave my word to Russell T Davies that I wouldn’t do anything to damage the show but they did things to damage me. I didn’t criticise anybody.” Asked if Davies was aware of the issues, Eccleston said: “If you’re the showrunner, you know everything. That’s your job,” before adding that he “never will have” a working relationship with the writer again. There were also some unpleasant interactions on the set between Eccleston, the production team, and the crew. Plus Barrowman pulling his junk out and laying it on people's shoulders....


That's such a shame to hear. I'm glad Christopher was able to move on rather than being locked into something he didn't want. Also respect that he didn't let any of it affect his performance.

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

Agreed! I loved Eccleston's run, and when all of this came out (much later) I had a similar reaction as you - you don't see any of that in his work. (Also sorry if I completely brought your mood down by talking about the behind-the-scenes stuff. I never know what's too much to share.)


Since he's had time away, it seems like he cherishes the character he played and the fans of the 9th Doctor. I think it's cool he's not completely bitter after everything he went through.


He's had a lot of competition throughout Who history, but Jack Harkness is still my favorite companion. Everyone has their favorites. It will be fun to see who your favorites end up being. When he tricked Rose into the Tardis, I knew something was up. It didn't make sense that he had such a good reason for not going back that he would suddenly be gung ho about it. I fell in love with the 9th Doctor again the moment he was asked if he was a coward or killer and he said, "coward. Any day." Finally, the people who refused to fight and then were slaughtered by the Daleks made me both angry and sick to my stomach. I would hope if given the choice, I would choose to go down fighting in some way. Even Lynda's death, tragic as it was, happened in her efforts to oppose the Daleks.

The Inedible Mattman!

You talked about most of the stuff that this episode does great, and the comments have as well ... so I'll throw this little bit out there: How freaking cool was it that the Dalek's shouted "Exterminate" in space when they killed Lynda, and even though you didn't hear it, you knew EXACTLY what they said. All the hairs stood up!!!! So glad you've watched this season. I've been waiting for you to start, and now that you have ... I've had so much fun going through all the emotions with you. Yes, this is exactly how epic finales get. No, this is the BASE LINE of epic. lol Get ready!! Thank you again, so much, for your hard work and reactions! :) Cannot wait for season 2!


YESS!!! I'm gearing up to watch the premiere Thursday and I only just now feel like I'm ready. That finale was one of the best I've ever seen and I'm so glad I'm watching weekly to give me time to process and just enjoy.