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Disease is spreading. The Cylons and the Galactica deal with very different outbreaks and whoa. This episode definitely left a lot of loose ends and was a very effective episode!




As you might suspect given how the whole show was basically made up on the fly, this whole thing with the "Final Five" Cylons being on some special other level was just thrown in here because the crew figured with the show now regularly spending time with Baltar on a Basestar, it would be really silly if he only ran into the models we already knew about just to keep the audience in the dark. And this is unfortunately where not having an actual plan for any Cylon identities really started to bite them in the ass, as they also decided it only made sense that the Final Five would have the five highest model numbers as part of what made them so special. Just one problem: the show had been clear from the start that there are exactly twelve Cylon models, and the Sharon model was already well established as Eight, and five more after that gives you thirteen. Now, a lesser show runner would have probably just fudged things and revealed that note from the miniseries was lying about there only being twelve models, but Ron Moore has always liked to think of himself as above that kind of thing, so now he was stuck having to make some sense of that, while also assuring the audience in real time that an explanation was coming. You'll see where that went, and I'm interested to see just how satisfying you find it.


Oh yea, it felt as much like a we don't wanna deal with that now as it did setting up potential intruige for the future. I'm excited to see how they deal with it once it is finally revealed. The danger of setups before the real plan is did you set it up properly? 🤔