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Hello! As I've been getting ready to begin Doctor Who next month I realize that my content is now half TV and half Movies. But what if you're just not interested in the TV content, but want the movie content?

That's why I added a new $5 tier just for movies!

Here is the new tier breakdown:

$5 Casual TV: Watch Full Length TV Shows with me!

(Formerly Classic Casual. Name change only, benefits remain the same. Includes early access to movie reactions)

$5 Casual Film: Watch Full Length Movies With me!

(Brand new tier, just for movies)

$10 Super Casual: ALL ACCESS! Both TV & Movies!

$25 Unbelievably Casual: For folks who want to support a little more.

$100 Epically Casual: Pick a movie to watch with me.


Herbert Joseph

I like the TV stuff because the nature of my job. I’m a truck driver and it’s easier for me to do a television episode when I shut down for the day. I usually do the movies when I’m home.


I love that, makes perfect sense. Now you could hop back and forth between movies and tv depending on if you're home or not :)


First BSG and now Doctor Who?! You’re spoiling us! You’re watching the reboot from 2005, right?


Yes indeed, I bought the first series on blu ray and then they had the David tenant collection for so cheap that I couldn't resist grabbing that too. A huge part of why I want to watch it is Karen Gillan, but of course, that's not REALLY until season 5 so.... At some point with shows I might go season by season, or era by era, and do polls to give patrons a voice to at least one of the two shows I watch on the channel, but that's a little ways down the road because I'm definitely doing BSG to the end and at least series 1 of Doctor Who. (unless I really really dislike it, which I doubt).