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Welcome! Today we're watching the first two episodes of Band of Brothers! This is a visually (and audibly) stunning show! I went in knowing virtually nothing about the Easy Company, but am already fascinated by Winters and many of the soldiers we've already met and I'm really excited to see how their story continues as we get further into the war.

Episode 2 starts at 1hr 19min

*I watched this on Blu Ray, but it is also available on (HBO) Max.




I actually had no idea it was a true story when I first started watching, so going through the Blu-ray special features was quite a surprise. Of course, the reason the opening interviews on each episode don't include the soldiers' names is because not many people had heard of them, and this way you can go through the whole series with no idea which of them survived the war and feel like any of them can go at any time. It's also a bit jarring to remember that hardly any of these actors were any kind of big name back in 2001, and in fact the most recognizable one was David Schwimmer. And just try watching the famous couch moving scene the same way after seeing him here. "Pivot, pivot, pivot!"

g g gooding

Unrelated comment (sorry to troll 😔🧌). Just watched the trailer to Napoleon. I genuinely thought it was a joke/parody at first and then...oh...oh, no... (Thoughts, anyone?)


If there's anyone I trust with this movie right now, it's Ridley Scott. And it's amazing to see that at 85 years old he's still doing movies of this scale that you hardly see from anyone else these days.

g g gooding

I hear you, Ryan, and while I don't disagree...the trailer has a remixed Radiohead song...I cant not laugh at that. Next: Genghis Kahn starring Christian Bale replacing John Wayne? Sorry. I'm *very* cynical, tbf. Napoleon will likely be pretty great, dynamite even. But...it might be Scott's The Mule? I dunno, of course. I hope it upends my expectations! That'd be a lotta fun.


The really weird part is a lot of people seem to be assuming the movie will be all about portraying Napoleon as a super great guy, when the trailer openly calls him a "tyrant." Oh, and incidentally, the absolute greatest portrayal of him on film so far is by Herbert Lom (yes, Inspector Clousseau's boss) in King Vidor's War and Peace.

Herbert Joseph

This show reminded me of when Saving Private Ryan came out. I was on HHC, 326th Engineer Battalion. The Battalion Commander marched the Battalion to the movie theater to get to see it before it was released nationwide


One mistake in the second episode: the guy who keeps trying to get a Luger is Hoobler, not Malarkey.


I do wish they included the names of the individuals, but on the other hand I definitely don't want to know how things turn out for the soldiers we're following beforehand.


I haven't watched the trailer yet, but I just saw that movie is coming up when I signed up for Apple TV. Very curious to see how it plays out. Haven't watched the trailer yet, but wildly entertained by these comments.


It's an easy mistake to make since they're all dressed the same and the helmets can make it hard to see their faces, plus Guarnere is yelling Malarkey's name to get him to help cover Hoobler which can sound like he's yelling at the guy who's being stupid.


I tend to get overwhelmed with lots of characters. I’m glad to take some time before continuing the series to revisit moments from the first two and get better acquainted with some of the characters.

g g gooding

Ryan, I've not seen that War and Peace but Herbert Lom *does* seem like a perfect fit for Napoleon. Even better than Ian Holm was.