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So, it finally happened. After a year and a half of making reaction videos I finally lost video footage of a reaction due to a power outage forcing my camera to turn off. That means the first half of this reaction is audio only until 1 hour 11 minutes and 44 seconds (1:11:44) Feel free to skip to the video portion if you’d like.

Appreciate your understanding!

Olympics, conviction, fight, love! Chariots of Fire details the story of 1924s Olympic contestants and it was quite the journey. I absolutely loved following Liddell and  Abrahams on their journey.

Thank you Red Dwarf for picking this film.



Red Dwarf

Ok one more thing sorry! I love this movie for the soundtrack obviously and I love that the story is on 2 different athletes that run for 2 totally different reasons. I love a good character study movie. And when you mentioned the Sabbath. I also have had thoughts about that the past few years. Well I am a Christian and I was thinking what am I doing that is separating that day from any other day? It is even harder when we live in the middle of nowhere and just have not found a church that is right for us. Sometimes I will stream something but not the same. So it is funny you mentioned that as I have been having the same thoughts lately.


So glad you did this, I haven't seen this movie in years, one of my favorites, saw it when it came out in the theater when I was in high school :). The film did take some liberties, he knew about the Sunday heat months before the Olympics and made his decision long before going to France, but I do enjoy how they drama'd that up for the movie. For me, the greatest testimony of his life are the stories about how much he gave of himself helping others in the interment camp where he died during WWII, helping the elderly, teaching children, admired and trusted by all the different groups there, all while exhausted not just from being in a camp like that but with an inoperable brain tumor.


Character studies can be fantastic! This was definitely a good one. I was really thinking about Sabbath when I worked at a church. How often we would have meetings on Sundays after church because of the convenience of it everyone being there, but then I was like... are we preventing people from resting and spending time with their families? Are we hindering sabbath? I don't know, it's worth thinking about. It is difficult finding a church, for so many reasons and you're right that streaming is just not the same. So much of "church" is about gathering with a community and that will never be replicated through online ministry.