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I could have never seen that coming. What an intriguing film and just a terrifying concept. I am so glad I got to watch it with my friend Tiffany Byrd Harrison!

Full Length Reaction: https://youtu.be/5XwzCDxpJZg

Check out her youtube channel for Christian comedy, inspiration, occasional movie analysis, and more! http://youtube.com/tiffanybyrdharrison



g g gooding

Some details, cause I can't help myself:<p>The silent auction is a slave auction, literally.</p><p>Yes, they *all* have Android phones. Apple won't allow a <i>bad guy</i> in a movie to have an iPhone. Stupid, but true.</p><p>Chris escapes bondage by picking cotton.</p><p>I was surprised on this rewatch how <b>many</b> references there were to The Shining. 1 ex: the fella in the first scene says, "this place is a hedge maze."</p>

g g gooding

White guy pro tip! <p>(hmmm...that doesn't sound right at all...)</p><p>When someone goes to fist bump you...make scissors and say, "you win." Gets a laugh 💯.</p>