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Thank you so much for believing in my channel! I hope you continue to enjoy my reactions! Here are the movies I have my eyes on for next month!

Stand By me


Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (Patreon Exclusive)

Chinatown (poll winner)

Hoosiers (epic choice)

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (poll winner)

Good Will Hunting

Sunset Boulevard (poll winner)



Places in the Heart (epic choice)

It (2017)

Next Week's Poll: (there will be two winners!)

Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid (1969)

Sleuth (1972)

Time After Time (1979)

Apocalypse Now - Theatrical Version (1979)

The Game (1997)

LA Confidential (1997)

Good Morning Vietnam (1987)

Tremors (1990)



Robert Jewell

Oh, cool! Thanks for putting TIME AFTER TIME on the list. Don't know if it will be a winner since all these choices are good, but I hope it does since it really falls into your SciFi category in the best way.


I know I’d like to see it! I kind of think it’s a long shot for the poll too, but ya never know. I have been surprised before.

g g gooding

Time After Time AND Sleuth! The rest ain't bad either, but...how'd you pull Sleuth outta your hat? Heck 🔥🔥🔥!

g g gooding

Ever play LA Noir, Chris? Then LA Confidential will...well...it's Easter, mutha-foo!


I know Sleuth was recommended at one time or another by you and recently by a couple of other sources as well so I figured let's throw it in and see what happens. Never played LA Noir.

g g gooding

Sounds like me. Doubtful Slueth'll win, but if does make sure you watch the version with Michael Caine...and not the other one with Michael Caine. (?)


haha right? I would watch the older one. Although I would almost certainly immediately watch the sequel for myself or as an exclusive because I have to know!

g g gooding

To know: the second was is a remake, not a sequel; so same plot...just Caine is the old man instead of the young one and there's "modern" technology. It's not bad, but it's not as cloak-and-dagger fun as the 72 one.

David Olden

TIME AFTER TIME is a wonderful film! Mary Steenburgen falls in love with a time-travelling scientist, which is absolutely different from BACK TO THE FUTURE III, where Mary Steenburgen falls in love with a time-travelling scientist.

Robert Jewell

I've always thought that her being cast in BTTF III was an homage to Time After Time. There's even a very similar moment when Clara tells Doc that she doesn't believe he's from the future as she tells H. G. she doesn't believe he's from the past. It's almost exact.