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Eli n Aahnaye went for a dive at a lake nearby just before the weather turned cold; sort of a farewell to summer. ^^ 

Tried out a blur effect for some depth of field ... effect, something I haven't done really as I try to keep the look ""traditional"" but for a sketch, it's fine ^^'

Sorry I've been away for two weeks; the animation job was extremely exhausting, and needed some recovery time.

Hope you'll like et! <3 



Kiono Hiemalis

Nice and sharp Elise, unfocused and blurry background, draws the eye to the character nicely! Though the suit draws the eye even more, I loooove the colors! Also as a small color blotch of the diving pouch, nice~


Looks like a lovely day out for a dive. Hope Eli and Aahnaye had a nice time! &lt;33 The effect looks good! Helps feel like a camera took et, like they went out on a trip! ^^ It's ok hun, take as much R&amp;R time as you need &lt;33


This is beautiful! *-* love the details of the gear and her expression is so confident, so adorable! &lt;3 (may hug, not sorry!)


Suited and booted! Great work with the lighting on this ^3^


Gotta be one of my favorites of yours to date! Love the bright suit and gear too, lots of interesting stuff to look out without looking overly cluttered, if that makes any sense idk.


I absolutely love the colors on the suit and the load out choice too! Fabulous work as always :D