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Streifi is all geared up and ready to face some bad guys in a sunken  ship! The fight is quite fierce and chaotic, but its nothing he couldn't  handle ^^
His wings might be a handicap in close quarter fights, but in the open, he is agile as a shark with them.

Spent more time on colouring fine tuning than I usually do, needed to  balance out details; add details or features there, remove some from  here and so on ^^' Drawing rusty, abandoned or simply just weathered  crafts, environments is always something I like doing! .w.

- Marked mature for implied violence -

Hope you enjoy!

Streifi © StreifiGreif @FA




Love it :)


So glad to finally see this one finished <333 Love the rusted and barnacled up derelict they're fighting in! ^w^

Shawn Smallman

I commented on this before, but I think this is the first time I have seen you use 'implied violence' in any of your previous works. I certainly do like it and the atmosphere is spot on for a fight under the surface.