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On a bit chilly October day Elise decided to go for a morning jog .. but with a twist. It was cold enough she could pull off wearing her catsuit without fearing the heat would be an issue, aaand there weren't many people around to worry about.

The ones she did ran by were too tired to notice anything out of the ordinary anyway <.<

Was done as part of a mini-suggestion vote thingy in discord; people throwing in sugestion for the theme of the pic, as well as more extras, such as the fanny pack and the walkman!

It was a ton of fun!

Hope you'll like! ^^




Elise just looks far too cute in that suit

Kiono Hiemalis

Such a lovely picture, looks great! Her soft smile, the determined look on her face, she knows exactly what she is doing and she enjoys it a lot! Maaaybe a little NaughtyElise! x3


Lets hope other pedestrians don't look too hard at her jogging attire! .3.' Haha, it was fun to do this with everyone! &lt;333