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Was chipping away from an Odraani-themed pic ( :3c ) and while trying to pick a species, I was wondering what species could be in the empire?

Consisting of many systems and planets, it could be assumed that a wide variety of reptiles join up to rule the galaxy; from simple lizards to snakes with feathers, raptors, nagas, or even reptilian ones with four arms or six eyes!

Do you guys have any species in mind? Making the ranks more colourful could be fun as heck! ^^




Chameleon would probably make great infiltration units

Kiono Hiemalis

Green iguana! Gotta love the large cheek scales and throat flaps, also looooooooooong tails! Make 'em black iguanas and the tail is actually used like a whip! If you want something bigger and fluffier, why not Utahraptors? Those would make great shock troopers!

Balefire Phoenix

1. Big hulking crocodile bois serving as heavy weapons troopers in power armor. A bit like kroxigors from WH: Fantasy, but in ~space~! Komodo dragons work, too. 2. Bearded dragons, being pencil-pushing bureaucrats or adorable scientist dorks. 3. Fluffy raptors, because of reasons. (I worldbuild space raptors, so I'm very biased :3 Though mine may not get along with yours, being a goodie two-shoes democracy)


A species based on the komodo dragon would make great heavy weapons personnel, also kinda mobile tanks. Have them carry rockets or miniguns or something o3o (you could name that species the Javaa) I could see something based on Archaeopteryx being the mechanics aboard a lot of ships due to their small size. They'd probably be grumpy little bumbles due to all the work they have to do >3> And then of course cobras. I don't know if they would specialize in anything, spec ops or something, I just like the idea of cobras. I have a feeling nagas may have it difficult aboard ships and such due to their body having to drag over all the bumps and ridges and such, but that's just me =3=


- A crocodile navy man/woman would be pretty cool to see! :3 - Something a little more mythological perhaps? Like a feathered snek on the level of the mesoamerican god 'Quetzalcoatl', perhaps (with the feathers all over)? Feathered snek imperial teacher for the young' uns! o3o - Some more snek species like adders, bush vipers or black mamba's of course! And maybe make em fighter pilots? ;w; - Monitor Lizards! Specifically the water monitor lizards? Tho I'll admit I'm pretty biased on that one as I have a water monitor lizard oc already (might be an idea to put her in an Odraani uniform someday). Maybe make em' frontline troopers? >w>


I can imagine skinks being engineers


I would suggest a thorny devil, but that might just end badly.