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Helena catching her breath after a lengthy dive. The Scallo got slightly damaged during an impact with local fauna, and the crew needed do repairs asap; as most of the crew were patching the breach, removing debris and searched for more potential damage, the more experienced divers were secured the waters around the work area; apart from some small predatory crustaceans being interested in the commotion, things went smooth.

,,, i needed some scuba Helena in me life .3.

Hope you likes!

- Sorry for the lack of arts the last  two weeks! Work had me tied down and tired, and personal arts had to take a back seat, but will do suggestion stuff next! 




Dat look! <3 Adore the piece and story/scenario, glad ta heae you found time for some personal artingks! ^w^

Kiono Hiemalis

Lotsa diving gear, looks great! Also the bright yellow eyes, I love those spots of color in monochrome pictures~ <3


We all need some scuba Helena in our lives <3 Small predatory crustaceans... I guess that's what the knife she has is for! That or cutting away debris and giant entangling seaweed I guess ^-^


Ohh looks like she means business! And Im gonna copy what Kiono said above. Little spots of color in monochrome are a great touch


Glad things went well, although Helena doesn't seem to like us peeping on her >3> Sorry you had some RL stuff, hope it's all gotten resolved ok ^w^