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Hello, everyone! I am here to inform you that I will be using this  coming October to take a break THE WHOLE MONTH!! Yes, that means there  will not be a main story nor a monthly story. I need this whole month to  recharge my batteries, gather ideas, and reduce the burn a bit, because  I have been working a lot and very hard.

Why are you taking this break?
Because  it has been quite hard for me in the last couple stories to have the  will to start working. That means it took more and more time for me to  want to actually work, something that didn't happen until the last two  months, and that is a clear signal that I need a rest before I explode  and get burnt out.

What will you do during this break?
Honestly?  Relaxing. Planning. Investigating. I need to put my mind into something  else without having the thought that "I will have to work in the next  day." I want to focus on a lot of things that I couldn't do because I  was working, which includes going back to the gym and doing some  workouts, I had to stop doing that for quite a while due to time.

What will happen to your supporters?
I  will NOT, I repeat, I will NOT stop the subscription of next month, you  are all welcome to start or stop supporting me during my break. I  totally understand if you don't want to support me on a month where I  won't be working. Either way, that won't change how I work or how much I  work, it will all always be for free for everyone after the required  time.

When will you be back?
I will be back at the very end  of November! I will make a new chapter of Four Tight Women to explain  how the rest has been, with which plans and basically what new plans I  have for the future! I may drop some translations during the break,  because that is pretty quick to post.
And with this post, I will also  say that tomorrow, in 18 hours from now, I will start flying to  Shanghai! I'll be spending 12 days there with my friend, and I'm going  to have an amazing time!

Once again, thanks for your constant  support and never-ending positivity in the comments! Those matter a lot  to me, I may not answer them, but I ALWAYS read all of them! Let's do  our best in October! I will come back better than ever with amazing new  ideas for you to enjoy!
