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Alright, another month has passed, and it's been the worst so far. The heat, the damn heat made me work very slowly! And I hate it when I work slowly, because that means less days for me to rest. Anyway, I've finished the new chapter of "Four Tight Women", this time Jiyu invited Alice and Yuuki to spend the afternoon at their apartment, but Alice and Yuuki ended up being a little bit distracted.

Now onto the August recap! First, I did the new chapter of The Light In the Dark, everyone's favorite new main story it seems! Leena had Sol under her control, but Light, with her endless positivity and determination managed to defeat the foul Leena, sending her back to the hole she lives and getting back Sol from her! Although, the cost was that she ended up being a little bit more corrupted. Let's all hope Light will be okay! After that, I finally did the monthly that a lot of people was waiting for, the conclusion of "The Unexplored"! The concept of a story that would've been made if The Light In The Dark wasn't such a huge success. You'll be able to read it next month though, just wait a bit!

Plans for September! Well, this will be a very important September, because I'll finally travel to China! I even got my travel permit today! Which means, and I regret to inform everyone, that I won't be able to make a monthly exclusive that month, because I want to prepare all I can for when I go to China. I will make the main story though, the new chapter of TTIBAS, the chapter where Alice's sister comes into scene. Will she be able to help Alice? Will she help get Yuuki back? Or will she just... help Claire? We'll see!



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