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What Youtube content interests you the most?

So It's clear my youtube content is lacking and it's something I would like to grow. I've always got ideas for videos to make but usually end up never finishing them or wanting to change to something else. I just don't really know which direction to go? maybe you can help! If you're wondering why animation isn't listed as an option it's because I see them more as major projects which I just happen to publish on Youtube.

If you haven't seen my cringe check it out here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgPlJ3Y3hNJoqEpao8hfK5Q



I think the 3d print process, assembly, painting etc is something that doesn't have that much content on YT compared to the other stuff!


VRChat would give you more options to pursue, given that you could also do discussions on a topic and have some people ask you questions about that topic...which kind of covers some of the other options listed. It all depends on if you want to focus on just one thing or not.


I think 3D tutorials would be pretty neat! Especially given how hard it can be sometimes to find stuff on how to sculpt/rig furry models specifically, etc.


id say try a little of each and from there choose the most successful


I'd love to see some project overviews like how you finish the models and stuffs. Doesn't have to be crazy polished :D