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Hey all, Its time I let ya all know what I've been up to in these times since lockdown is still a thing here. I've taken an extended break from commissions to allow for some experimentation as A lot has happened recently and there's gonna be some cool stuff coming here soon!

Figure- Coco has been sanded and is all ready to paint! There's quite a lot of colours too, Lets hope I don't run out of paint because I cant buy more during the pandemic! I can't even find the specific paints online soo... Also damn you can see just how colossal she is in size! Stepping stones to the eventual 1/2 scale goal.... maybe hehe

Environments and Lidar 3D scanning- I've been doing a lot of environmental 3D scanning lately capturing things I could possibly use in 3D renders, animations and even a VRChat world. Speaking of which, I've been working on my own world which I hope to turn into a public VRChat world! It's clear that I lack a lot in building environments and I thought it was time to give it a shot. Now what makes this easier is the fact I can use my own 3D scanned objects to use in my world (I do intend to scan my current home as well) I'm Using an IPhone 12 pro which makes 3D scanning super simple with the Lidar sensor.

Full Body Tracking- I've been looking at this for ages and I finally pulled the trigger on Full body tracking for VR, Combining this with my new Kayla avatar will be super fun! I'm hoping I'tll make for some pretty interesting Videos as well as I have a lot of gymnastic energy heh.. But hey I also intend to use this to do some mocap animation! We'll see how it goes, I'm still experimenting at the moment.

A comic?!- I had a vision while laying in bed for a comic involving Kayla and Chloe! something along the lines of sleepover, First time meeting up, cute and shy situations, Kayla afraid of girls.. This is a major project on which I wish to spend a lot of time on BUT My intent is to render each panel using 3D (as Drawing an entire comic for me is much too daunting) I haven't gotten around to writing anything yet or even have Chloe in 3D yet. I will have a sketch up soon of these two relating to this idea very soon. I'll most likely finish my commission list before I start this one though.




The fact you can 3D scan that good from a PHONE these days is INSANE. Time to revisit digital duct tape dummy idea ? ohyes


unfortunately it lacks detail for objects, It's only really good for environments