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We did it, boys. For 25.83 episodes the Double Dragons have tried in vain to secure guests. But for this most special 26th episode, we've only gone and fucking secured a guest appearance from Abigail Thorn, star of Philosophy Tube!

Skyfall is a movie ripping itself apart at the seams trying to be two wildly divergent things, and boy does it show. Also, for the final half hour the movie becomes Home Alone.

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Can't believe you got THEE Abigail Thorn on KJB


My partner (who had never seen a Bond film) watched everything from Goldeneye onwards a couple of years ago, but this killed it. Couldn't get to Spectre because, in their words, "I think Skyfall might be the dumbest movie I've ever seen." It's like they just threw out all the progress they made with the first two Craig films.


Haven't even listened to the cast yet but based on the tags I'm glad to see the team agrees with me that the only good part of this movie is the big lizard

Raymond Price

1:04:00 - You might be amused by this post about "bottom storage" https://veliseraptor.tumblr.com/post/184275694370/t-gp-t-gp-the-hot-new-tv-tropebottom

The Good Poster

I hope this podcast continues as a general movies cast after the bond series is over. I would definitely subscribe to Assigned Movies At Birth or w/e


No wayyy that the extra didn't know about the Daniel Craig sex scene near the top of the film. That's an intimacy coordinator's nightmare oml.


I feel like the komodo dragon pit has to be playing the shake hands with danger drop on loop 24/7 so henchmen know to be safe


KJB team interrogating the head of MI6 "the first thing you must know about us is we have people everywhere isn't that right Abigail"


Late Goodnight Cross nomination for Roger Deakins - whose cinematography wallpapered over Mendes' weak script and made everyone remember this as a great movie


i can do empty-headed bullshit all day every day but there's nothing i hate more than a movie that gets all fucking smug and keeps winking at you about how it has Something To Say and then says absolutely fucking nothing. not only drops everything like a sack of potatoes but also hits the reset button as though there was never anything to interrogate in the first place. fucking infuriating


and in regard to Abi noting that the script for Skyfall could have perhaps used fewer passes, it's amusing to realise that perhaps the reason Quantum of Solace worked so well was because it was made in the middle of a writer's strike and the script was never finished. it was being re-written and re-structured all the way through production, primarily by director Marc Forster and Daniel Craig himself. of course Craig has talked in interviews about how much of a disaster it was and how much he hated doing it, but it seems obvious how much better all the films would be if the writers handed in a first draft and just let Daniel Craig basically devise a whole new film around it the results might be technically messy and compromised sure, but i'd take that over a gorgeously photographed dog turd like Skyfall any day

George Rohac

I want a terrible "I saw the Komodo Dragon and..." type shirt to sleep/get murdered in.


Finally, a KJB episode for a movie I actually watched... 6 years ago.

Subspace Jet Witch

I remember watching Skyfall with my parents, and when Bond's Aston gets destroyed, mom laughed out loud at Bond being the most visibly upset by that. She said something along the lines of "Classic Bond, NOW he's mad!"

The Beak TM



M's last words will forever haunt me: "You're a little birthday boy." :'(

OvO Hoot

This movie is ultimately about whether they should keep having Bond films. This is why the England stuff and "the good old ways" and the pug dog are brought up - they're using England as a synecdoche for Bond movies. You like England and think it should keep going, and so should our stupid spy flicks. The problem is that this doesn't work with the plot at all. Britain's not even under attack - Silva's grudge is with M specifically. He has no superweapon, only about 10 henchmen, and his evil plan is to kill M then die. It's so harmless to England at large that he actually gets to do it. This was all done much better in Goldeneye, which was also about if they should keep making Bond films. Except Goldeneye was reacting to the end of the Cold War, rather than people just getting sick of Bond's shit. The Goldeneye plot also used Britain as a stand-in for Bond movies, but it actually made sense with the plot there. 006's plan was to take revenge on all of England, not just Judi Dench. He was going to empty every bank account in Britain and nuke London - the fate of England actually did hang in the balance.

Karis Ritenour

Also, re: the CoMpUtErS scene in this movie: please please please do a bonus on Hackers, the greatest movie of 1995 and possibly the whole of the 90s.

Christine Pizan

skyfall annoyed me on release, it felt like a retreat from the more interesting grounded promise of quantum we're back to q scenes, we're back to disabled antagonist with absurd plans, we're back to home alone??


yeah that's how I've always felt about it, a bit of a betrayal of the more interesting directions Quantum hinted at


The question is- is this or Spectre worse? the latter is boring as all hell and has some of the most wildly wrongheaded scripting decisions, but at least it kind of knows that it's a bit shit. This one is so high on the smell of its own farts, it's probably worse (or, at least, more infuriating to watch)

Moray Macdonald

As a cishet man who owns multiple pairs of button braces, I'm now on my way to The Clinic.

Cate Kneale

I like Andrew Scott and his evil committees. There should have been more of that and less of all the Bond-by-numbers stuff.


Inside of you are two Bonds. One is Craig Fingersuck. The other is Craig Dicksuck

Simon Bitdiddle

I just fridgelogic'd something: If it was Eve that shot Bond in the shoulder, why was it depleted uranium? MI6 using depleted uranium rounds as well?