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Join the team this week as we head down to Cairo in 1954 for a 2006 french comedy film that's actually a good movie that we would recommend you watch!




J'aime me beurrer la biscotte


That feel when you learn that the Québécois french accent comes from the UK and in no way from the French.




Yo are you folks gonna do the Zucker and Zucker spy movie Top Secret!..?


Seeing the Rambo 3 bit make its way into this podcast fills me with anticipation for The Living Daylights.


Where did you find this!? I've been looking for it online for ages and never seen it anywhere.

Brian Danger Hicks

Shout-out to the translators, who managed to make all of the gags where 117 mishears something still work for the English subtitled version I watched. I enjoyed the sequel too, but I find it hard to recommend. Though it is the source of the reaction gif I use whenever someone who's obviously a nazi reveals themselves to be a nazi.


Hon Hon Hon j'adore ce film ! Trop hâte d'écouter les futurs épisodes sur les autres films.


You guys should really check out "Un Service Très Secret" it's definitely inspired by OSS 117 but slightly more dramatic


So after this review I rented the film on YouTube and it was genuinely fun to watch. I agree with you on problematic elements but it was more than worth the two bucks to rent.

Brian Danger Hicks

This makes me want to recommend Norwegian Ninja, but that's not really Bond-adjacent.


Amazing. Thank you so much! One thing about René Coty: he was not one of De Gaulle‘s successors, it’s the reverse! He was the last president of the 4th Republic, which was essentially a purely honorific position, a figurehead much like the Irish president of today. The main thing he is known for is calling on De Gaulle to serve as Prime Minister during the 1958 Algiers Putsch, and De Gaulle more or less organised a coup in order to bring on the current 5th republic, of which he would be the first president - which is now of course a much more powerful position, because De Gaulle thought the 3rd/4th republic presidency to be useless. But you got it right, it’s a joke about OSS 117 really wanting to believe in a De Gaulle figure. Coty is just the exact reverse of that! Also seconding everyone telling you about A Very Secret Service (Au service de la France), which was written by the same guy as this movie and the sequel!

Made up name

Aime de Gaulle, aime l'alcool, deteste la arabe - simple que

Freyr Aloysius

Shout out to my Taliban homies lmao


lmaooooo as a francophone, what an intro 😂love you three so much <3


i never knew how much i like having my username read out loud in french lol


Could someone translate the French at the start for me? I speak very little and only understand about a tenth of it.


This story sounds like that Youtube Musical Spies are Forever just... weird spy shit and random N*zis. This sounds weirdly fun.


My school French is very rusty but what I got was: Devon: Hello and welcome to Kill James Bond, the (only?) podcast in French about the spy James Bond. I am Devon, the homosexual with the big tiddy gamer girl GF. I am in the secret voice(???) inside the woods of my (idk I'm so sorry I am listening it sounds like moi voirvin or smth) and I (either HATE or have an itch for) secrets. Today I am joined by, ah, my little butterfly, the one who always fights/discusses with the p*doph*les, it's Alice. Alice: Good Evening. A worldly expert (either who is or about) arabian Muselman (as in followers of Mahomed I THINK) Devon: And finally, the transgender queen of the tube of the bread (as in breadtube). It's Abigail. Abigail: Aahhh. sh*t. Devon: And we will talk about the movie of... ah 2006- The rest is basically just listing the cast and saying "well it's not "The Artist".


I just finished watching it yesterday, and this honestly doesn't do it justice, the set ups before cutting to the lights going on and off with the chickens falling silent and going wild and falling silent gets funnier every time. Gonna watch the second film today maybe, since I accidentally got both when I meant to just grab the first xD

Daryl Hodge

Rate me 7/7 on cultural insensitivity as this podcast ends and I realise I have my window wide open and my francophone neighbours are in the street.... hi lads


I've been playing Medal of Honour: Above and Beyond, where the protagonist you play is a member of the OSS xD Just looking out for an opportunity to throw a chicken at a would-be assailant


What a throwback. I’m Brazilian and watched the sequel before seeing this one at the recommendation of some French friends while there to study. The lovable imperialist critique you all brought rang very true. As much as I liked both movies (and laughed quite a bit) I remember clearly staying silent and looking around at some bits in the sequel while they laughed and feeling quite uncomfortable.

Alfred Lang

44:40 well there was that time napoleon got invoked .. and before them the Italians... then again there was that thing with ejypt and the sea peoples... and my god this hole is deep...

Oscar Heath

sorry but the idea of KJB getting arts council funding is outstanding