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It's one of the most widely beloved bond films of all time, he's one of the most iconic bond villains of all time-
Enjoy a movie where Bond simply moves from place to place and watches a Bond film happen around him.



Andrew Dunn

Unfun fact: CW incest, sexual assault there is no corrective rape in the books. Pussy Galore explains to Bond that she's a lesbian because, as a girl from the American south, she was molested by her uncle and lost her taste for men, and the sheer masculine presence of James Bond brought her back to heterosexuality. The book ends with them having consensually having sex for the first time.

Rex Appleby

Maybe I'm completely off here, but isn't Bond's line about maternal instincts referring to Pussy trying to protect her blond proteges from being killed by Goldfinger as loose ends?


That hnch bit had me rolling.


I visited Fort Knox a few years ago, and one of the displays they have there is the original model Fort Knox that Goldfinger uses in the film to explain the Grand Slam plan.


*new york gangster voice* eyyyyy youse guys heard the tale of Uriel Septim?


if you need any kind of confirmation that the people who made these movies are exactly who you think they are, back in the early '90s when Criterion released the first three Bond films on laserdisc they included audio commentaries. in those commentaries the directors of From Russia With Love and Goldfinger casually toss out some homophobic slurs, and the screenwriter of Goldfinger complains that they couldn't get away with the Pussy Galore storyline anymore because of "women's lib" you will not be surprised to find out that when the Bond producers heard those commentaries they forced Criterion to recall the discs, turning them into rare collectors items


Bury me with my golden ass


Regarding Harold Sakata, I put to you the idea that he WAS pulling his punches and that if he hadn't he would have cut Sean Connery in half with a single blow.

Made up name

Take all the chances to say "In the book" you can, Alice. Once Connery's done with, they're not coming back.


Yo, loving this pod. The Goldfinger episode really unpacked and explained a bunch of shit that nobody unpacked and explained when I first saw this. Pussy Galore was coded as a Lesbian? What? Pussy Galore's Flying Circus was ALL Lesbians! WHAT?! "the lavender menace" are you kidding me!! I thought Pussy Galore just was a hot babe with a flightschool/all-hot-babe demonstration team that Goldfinger hired. The "corrective rape" scene in the context of the film, saving the day...wtf. I know it might seem so clear and so obvious to a lot of people, but if none of that was ever explained it really didn't make a lot of sense. I definitely saw this as a kid and nobody ever decoded it for me. Thanks for decoding it for me. Like, gigantic thanks.


Also, never ever try to talk to your boomer parents about this because they will hit you with the "it was of the times and just a movie excuse"

Simon Bitdiddle

I'm wondering if the reason Goldfinger hired 'asians' is some sort of 'yellow skin' thing... which is terribad.

Jimi Smith

£5,000 in the 60s is like £85,000 now


Third movie in the franchise, on-screen rape, and they still made 21 more movies of this guy. Now THAT, Mr connery, is "shocking!"


I’m catching up on previous episodes, and I was wondering if any of you have read “Hench” by Natalie Zina Walschots? Henching is just another facet of the gig economy in-universe, and extremely patchy insurance coverage for henchfolk is somewhat key to the plot!


Goldfinger's deal is gold and cheating. So basically 1960' Donald Trump.