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  • Scene 8-10-CleanUp.mp4
  • Scene 9-CleanUp-1.mov
  • Scene 9-CleanUp-2.mov
  • Scene 9-CleanUp-3.mov
  • Scene 9-CleanUp-4.mov
  • Scene 10-CleanUp-2.mov
  • Scene 10-CleanUp-1.mov
  • Scene 10-CleanUp-3.mov
  • Scene 10-Key-2.mov



Previous posts on Hank Ep2 production:



Clean up anim for scene 9-10 are done! Sorry for the late update. I've been burntout a bit for week. Just be able to continuing days ago and WHAM 2 SCENES ARE DONE! <3

I went back and fix the shirt pattern on scene 8 as well:

You might not notice it but the shirt pattern (which is hand drawn) are wiggling in the old one. So I redraw them and now its much better!

Then to the Scene 9-10!

This time I draw all the shirt pattern into the each frames directly. It might seems a lot of work but for me it well organized and less of a trouble XD

I also chose their color palette to be a bit muted on purposed so that when I shading the light on them it will looks warm and sparkly <3

Download all the video process in the attachement below!

Next update: Compositing testing!

This is the mocked up for the scene above. The mood and tone that I want for the final result. Noted: the BG is borrow from Ghibli film for testing purpose only.

My friend Matty-P will doing some compositing test. Stay tuned!

- Piti Yindee



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