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More sketches and variation designs of Arthur from Ator and Ginkgosan , plus some NUDE LION PIC above!

- Piti Yindee


Early Design#1
Semi Final Design
Early Design#1
Early Design#2
Early Design#3
Early Design#4
Early Design#5
Early Design#6
Early Design#7
Early Inking Style
Early Coloring Style
Test Inking Style#1
Test Inking Style#2
Testing the inking style with The Grinch!
Design by Ginkgosan
Design by Ator
Design by Ator
Design by Ator
New Costume Design
Final Costume Design
Sketch of Final Design
Side Mouth
From Fab to Drab
Final Design with NUDE!


Wolf Moon

This looks great I really love King Aurhor’s royal outfit design. My favorite is the blue outfit and red cape colors, it’s perfect for him in my opinion. XD