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Hiya! We're now entered a pre-production stage of our next short: The Emperor's New Clothes! 

This stage is all about preparing material for the shorts. Most of my production from comics to animation designs are simple, with characters in their usual outfit in a normal, everyday environment backgrounds. This short, however, required some unique designs including characters, props, layouts, color script and animatic in full details. Once we done we can jump into an animation process right away. I didn't plan much when I was doing Fossils and I've learned a lot that it's not good XD

This pre-production stage might take around 2-3 month to finish.

So, here's July's goal!

Character Designs:

  • The Emperor: With 3-4 variation of clothes.
  • The Three Judges: Kati, Pingo and Kiwi (the bear)
  • The Wizard
  • Extras: You, awesome Patrons, Imma put some of you in there <3

Props Design:

  • The Magic Wand
  • Various Props: A Glass of Champagne, Wine and other drinks
  • Jewelry

BGs Design:

  • The Emperor's Castle
  • Catwalk stage
  • Backstage


  • The Composer Joshua David Mitchell has just come back from his local business so we're gonna start working on it asap.
  • I've finished the full short in animatic story board form. Once the music is done, I'll have to rearrange the board and make it sync with the music.

See the storyboard with sample music here 🎵

That's all for this month tasks. I'll keep update the process weekly, exclusively for Patrons. And every end of the month I'll make some public report so everyone can see the process.

Thank you for reading <3 See you in the next update!

- Piti Yindee
