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Just wanted to share the trailer for A Promise Best Left Unkept. I hired someone really skilled, but the storyboard was still thought up by me, so it's nothing out of the ordinary or anything (I'm kinda bad with that type of things).

The game should release on Steam in October, not that it changes anything for you guys.

Anyway, Patreon sucks when it comes to sharing videos. I was forced to upload it on a porn site. I don't even know if it's going to embed correctly. Here's the trailer on my site, just in case: https://hangovercatpurrroduction.site/wp/wp-content/uploads/preview/a_promise_left_unkept.webm

Edit: There's not even any playback. That's so shitty. I'll just share the link from Steam instead.


(No title)



Very solid stuff. The wedding thing is the only visual that worries me, because you can easily mistake Laura for Aya due to the hair color in the brief glimpse. Probably not a major concern.

terry brazier

Missing Harry the nudity would tone down if it's for steam but otherwise pretty good