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Hey, how are you guys doing? I've been rather silent this month… and for no good reason. Just… lots of work. And this version has been rather tight with my schedule. I've actually been waiting for a version of one of the animations until pretty much the last minute (yesterday, late at night). My animator can't quite keep up with the work. I've been trying to find a second animator for a while now. Hopefully, I can do that before the next update because I don't think I can animate all the upcoming scenes with only my current animator.

Anyway, sorry for rambling about boring stuff. V0.9.3 is a bit longer than 20500 words, has 7 CG sets, and adds 2 sex scenes. Also, one thousand-word commentary because we all know Hangover is the actual protagonist of this story.

This update is probably the most expensive update to date, simply because four of the seven CG sets are animated.

We're almost at the end of Aya's path. Only one more update after this one. So this is a good time to remind you guys that I won't be releasing an update for A Promise Best Left Unkept next month. I need more time to work on the upcoming update since I'm going to add a bonus for the end of Aya's path. So because I'm actually working as much as I usually am (probably more), I won't be pausing the billing. There should still be a release for NTR'd By Clumsiness next month (for like the two people who read the thing).

On a different note, I had to compress a few files for the Android version. APK files can't be bigger than 2 gb, and so I just want to point that fact because I didn't really have time to test everything. Hopefully, it didn't break anything.

One last thing. For the bonus scene, I thought I would have released it before APBLU, but I'm still waiting for the main illustration... so yeah. I think I should be able to release it in like two days. Something like that.

Download link (from my website)


Backup Server (in case the other one doesn't work):


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If you have a hard time linking Patreon to the site, you might have to disable certain browser extensions such as AdBlock or any type of ad blocker.

Changelog V0.9.3


  • Added 7 CG sets
  • Added 2 sex scene
  • Added 20.5k words to the story
  • Added 1k~ words commentary




I kinda like NTRd :)