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It seems that by trying to prepare people in advance, I might have confused a few in the process. There will be a release this month. It's next month (July) that won't have one. For those who don't know, the last update for Aya's path will have something of a bonus, which will make the update much bigger, but because of it, I won't be able to release an update next month. It's not something that I like to do, believe me. But to make everything seems more organic, it has to be done.

In any case, for this month, everything is on track, as usual. V0.9.3 will release between the 19th and 22nd. I'm not exactly sure when yet. I will try to release the bonus scene before, but it really depends on my artist. As for NTR'd By Clumsiness, like I mentioned last month, there won't be any release this month. 

Anyway, here's the preview. I know some might want to see more of the action, but I don't like spoiling too much.

Animation: https://hangovercatpurrroduction.site/wp/wp-content/uploads/preview/cowgirl_aya_1%20murderous%20nude%20h.webm

CG version: https://hangovercatpurrroduction.site/wp/wp-content/uploads/preview/aya_cowgirl_1.jpg



More Aya please


Aya!Yes, more Aya!

terry brazier

Not as much in to Aya as i am Laura as i feel she is like a little sister to Harry more or less. I had a idea on how to bring the girl in Harry had a huge crush on in school.

cristter tollefsen

What kinda software do i need to play this game on android tablet...


If it's android, you can simply download the .apk file on your tablet, and it should be easily installable. There's no need for any additional software.


Maya--Harry's childhood friend--might have a bigger role in Aya's route. Not sure yet.

terry brazier

I have a idea for that maybe might be a nice twist to the story so far if your interested message me privately.

Dick J

Great game and excellent writing. How many endings are there for Promise?


As of today, there are five endings fully implemented. The sixth one is currently in development and should conclude in August. All in all, there will be 7 endings.


Hi, since I'm new I first wanted to say that I really enjoy your works! I'm curious though are the 7 endings for just Laura's route or the whole story? I wasn't sure since it seems like the sixth ending is Aya's path and the 7th would be the good path. That doesn't include Aya's route yet though does it? (since Aya's path and Aya's route are separate).


Aya's route will start being in development after the seven endings and Laura's route is completed. (the choice to reciprocate her kiss in the hotel at the beginning of the game.