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I think it's not a secret that I'm personally not a fan of the bonus scenes. Not because I don't enjoy writing them per se. I think there are quite a few interesting ideas coming out of this. No, I'm mainly not a fan of disappointing people. And since I rarely receive a lot of feedback for the bonus scenes, and I might not be portraying the ideas as precisely as I should, I feel like I'm always letting you guys down. It's very hard on self-esteem, let's say. So I've been interested to see which bonus scene is the most appreciated. Maybe it can give me an insight into where I did something right and where I did something wrong.

By the way, for the bonus scene #5, it's still slated for later this month, though I can't be absolutely sure. I did finish writing it (thank god), but my artists have been a bit slower as of late. I don't know if it's because of the finals at school or if we're simply in the period of the year when people start going on vacation, but no matter. I plan to release it this month unless something unexpected comes up. I'll tell you guys if that's the case.



3 was probably my least favorite, but that's because I just had zero interest in the character.


Also on a sidenote: Hellen doesn't count! :D


Wish we had more with Aya

Cat Kuskie

Hellen! Absolutely!!!


Hellen has always been the real Heroine-Whore of this story… Laura is just a decoy. Search your feelings my wretched cuck friends, you know it to be true… 😌


Bonus Scene 2 was great (and my favorite) as we finally got to see Laura's pierced nipples in a sex scene and the premise was well executed on. Bonus Scene 3 was also good though as you made Hellen a much more interesting character than I expected so the surprise was nice. I feel like I'm a broken record here but I really think you are too hard on yourself. The bonus scenes have been well done so far.


I love Sandra so I'll take any chance of more scenes with her, and I'm a big fan of her 180s,

Cat Kuskie

Of course that Laura is the real Heroine-Whore. But this bonus scenes aren't really about the mean story and the one with Hellen (#3) shows how a strong woman can be corrupted to the max (with some booze help...). It's an independent story and it's "fucking Christmas" there while her cuckoo is waiting for her next room.


Almost tempted to pick Hellen, not because I liked her or the CGs, but because it fitted in most seamlessly out of all the Bonus scenes. It is canon adjacent and actually gives us some fleshing out of the main story, if only in a very small way.