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Last month, I added commentaries for all my projects (APBLU, NTR'd By Clumsiness, and the bonus scene). I didn't really know how to handle it, but since we have a sprite of Hangover now, it felt like a good idea to use it in a creative way. Here's her outfit for the month of May, by the way. School is almost over, so what better time to make her wear a schoolgirl uniform (she won't stop drinking though)?

Anyway, the commentaries kinda devolved into a mess. Sometimes I write them an hour before releasing the build, so while I try to make it interesting, I might really be missing the mark. I do have fun doing them though… and last month was rather charged, which didn't help.

Anyway, I wanted to know if you guys thought the commentaries held any type of value, or if I shouldn't bother with them. I don't really need to use Hangover's sprite all that much. Maybe someone will post a bonus scene of her one day, or I might do something special with her. Who knows?



Wait are members allowed to use hangovercat as a character in bonus scene selections?


I voted yes purely because I like to hear your thoughts about the update, but ofcourse if it takes too much hassle doing it, I have no problem if you stop the commentaris

Anthony (aka Joe Cool)

I enjoyed them but in the end, you should do what you feel is best. If you enjoy it, then go for it. But if you feel like it's just another added stress then I think people can live without it.


Those are some update highlight moments man. You're committed now, you cant possibly cut them. xD Hangover is a riot, and her sadism seems to be progressive. She'll make a genuine maso out of you yet Cat. ~_^