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Hello. This month I'll be running quite a few polls to help me understand a few things better. My goal is always to improve even if some might doubt it. I apologize in advance for blasting you with notifications. I realize that I might be a bit more active than most creators… I just don't know if it's welcome or simply annoying.

Also, just want to point out that the idea submission for the Bonus Scene #5 is now open for the 25$ tier. If you have an idea that you want to bring to life, you can submit it there.

Which endings did you like the most?

Alright, so the reason there are so many endings in A Promise Best Left Unkept is because there were a lot of people criticizing The Edge Of (my previous game) for not having enough choices. It was a kinetic novel, plain and simple. So I decided that for my next project, I would test a story with multiple endings which all revolved around NTR, which is the whole reason why most of you are here… I laid out my plan at the very beginning of the project, and I stuck with it. And what I found out is pretty obvious; you can never please everyone. I've been criticized a whole lot more for adding multiple endings than if I had simply written one… which is kinda funny when you think about it.

I won't lie, I personally prefer kinetic novels. NTR, I think, is much stronger when it is delivered at a certain pace. In any case, this only made me believe that I should have done what I personally preferred from the beginning. But I did learn something, which was the goal of the whole thing, so I can't really complain. I might, from now on, focus on more linear stories with improved pacing. Doesn't mean there wouldn't be more than one ending, but maybe something around two and three. I don't know yet. What do you guys think?

Anyway, the goal of this poll is simply to know which ending is preferred by the majority. Here is the list with a simple description (don't read the description if you haven't read them):

Ending #1 - Future: the cheating is revealed during a meeting in front of Harry's coworker

Ending #2 - Family: the cheating is never revealed, leaving Harry happily clueless.

Ending #3 - Abrupt: Harry finds out about Laura cheating on him while hidden under the bed.

Ending #4 - Clumsy: Laura kills Luca.

Ending #5 - Fallen: Harry ends up receiving videos of Laura and Sandra. Even his new girlfriend leaves him for Luca.

PS: you can vote on more than one ending.



I personally liked your first VN, The pacing was great and the storytelling fantastic.


i liked the hero routes the most, the family ending 3rd place because of the twist at the end, that also hypes up the rest of the endings. i think most people are interested in aya content, aya route looks promising and i can't wait for her routes!


The pacing of Promise was perfect until one or two endings. Since we had so many endings and so much stuff in them, the pacing became kinda strained and wonky after we reached the "endings phase" of the production. Now, one has to imagine that the pacing would remain pretty perfect if one was to play the finished game and not go through all the endings in detail, but as Promise very much is delivered to most of us like monthly episodic instances, the sheer scope of the endings causes their own problems. I would say kinetic novel approach might also be preferred by me, and two to three endings is the sweet spot. But as you can never please everyone, and I value variety, jumping between more linear and more choice-based structures with different projects might be good. I feel like mentioning some nuance about my vote: The family ending is my favorite one, but it is not purely because of the clueless aspect; I can enjoy both big reveal and cluelessness, they both have merit. Major part of my choice for Family is that in that Ending Laura is not overly destroyed nor slutified beyond recognition. I am here for the corruption and change, but I don't like it taken to such extremes that the heroine can be considered completely ruined as a functional human being. The moment the heroine becomes a single-minded creature with little to no sense of self-preservation, some big part of the character that the player liked is lost. Family ending is my favorite, because the being known as Laura is not lost in that one. That fact has a treasonously hot quality of its own.

Cat Kuskie

#1. Harry's public humiliation should be priceless!


Endings 1 and 2 are my favorites. Although ending 2 is, in my opinion, the best one. Seeing Laura corrupted with her hair dyed long blond, wearing extremely slutty outfits in front of Harry, and getting her nipples pierced in service to Luca was very arousing. I would say that you are really too hard on yourself though. All of the endings have been fun to read and really provide a lot of great value to us as the readers. Plus it gives you a chance to explore things you may have not been able to. All of the prep-work, to get to the divergence point, was very consistent and the different endings have allowed all of us to see the characters in a variety of situations. Keep up the good work. :)


I'd say work on what you're most passionate about. It's good to listen to feedback and improve, but don't let it drive you make changes you're not thrilled with. At the end of the day I'm here supporting you and your vision not someone else's. Personally I'd say ending 2 and 5 were my favorites. Either where Harry is oblivious to everything or where he loses everything (kinda shows you my tastes, lol).


I like 5 the most. I think the artists went above and beyond for the CGS - those ending bunches are the best of the work so far imo.


I wouldn’t mind a story about the mom..how it all began w HER.

Rob Jo

Probably in the minority, but I liked the Clumsy ending, where Luca was killed. I really like to ATLEAST have the option of a good ending, and I would say that the clumsy ending probably can be considered "good"


2 and 5 were my favorites, 5 being only second cuz 2 contained the most secrecy/mystery. Mainly cuz I believe the playful teasing ups the primal LUST factor that makes people go wild.