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Damn it! I forgot to release this a few hours ago. I-I'm so sorry guys...

Hey! It took me some time to put this bonus scene together, but we're finally here. I have four things I want to mention.

First, fuck you guys. I can't believe you would do this to a nice cat like me. I've never done anything to anyone, and now I'm forced to watch my wife in this ridiculous, far-fetched situation. You're all a bunch of degenerates.

cough… now that it's out of the way… Second, as you might have noticed, the art is different from the usual art for the bonus scenes. I've been trying to find a new artist for the bonus content (bonus scene/Hangoverse) for a while now. It's the main reason why I couldn't release the bonus scene last month. It's always long and hard to find a good and affordable artist. So please share your thoughts about him. If you like his work, and if you want to see him again, or if you prefer the art style from the previous bonus scenes.

Third, I know it was supposed to be Hangover in her 'outfit of the month'… which should have been her bunny suit… but due to the way the bonus scene was supposed to go, I was forced to use another outfit instead. So I decided on her Valentine's costume. I hope you will forgive me for that choice. It just… makes things easier for the story.

The last thing I want to mention is something that not everybody is aware of. Before Hangover had her sprite, she was recognized as this beauty:

 But a lot of people thought this image was a representation of me. And when Hangover finally had her sprite done, it confused people even more… So now that this bonus scene has been introduced, I'm announcing that the cat above who looks like he's on the verge of dying is me. From now on, I'm canonizing the fact that I'm the purple cat and Hangover is just Hangover, the pink cat girl. For most of you, this doesn't change the way you see things already, but I'm just making it easier to follow for everyone.

So that's it. Enjoy looking at my wife with lustful eyes, you filthy animals…

sniff… I-I hate you all…!!

 Download hub (from my website)


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