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Winning idea: Idea #3

Here's the idea:


How: While on a date with Harry, Laura keeps getting flashbacks to sex with Luca. Flashing back and forth repeatedly with lots of contrast between her current life and her during sex with him.

Who: Luca, Laura, Harry

Where: Anywhere

When: A year after Good ending

Position: I mainly want images with lots of contrast. It's instant loss-inspired stuff where it goes from her in a normal pose to the same pose but sexual. Here are a few examples for inspiration. The specific poses can be whatever, as long as there's a hard cut to the sexual version. Feel free to also reuse older CGs throughout for shorter bursts of memory.






Why: Laura is satisfied with Harry sexually, but something about those memories with Luca is still in her head. The point of this is to flash between the sex scene and the date repeatedly and abruptly. A CG of Laura kissing Harry on the cheek getting suddenly smash cut into the same CG, but now it's of her kissing Luca's cock


I'm not surprised this idea won, but please keep in mind that bonus scenes are restricted to two CG sets due to the time constraint. So I'll probably have to use a few CGs from the original game to make up for it... which might not make for the kind of bonus scene people were imagining in their heads. Also, since it's about the good ending, I might have a hard time portraying the characters as well as I should. It's been a while. In any case, I'll try my best. And for once, no double perspective, so less work for me.

By the way, I just want to mention that I've been really busy these days, so I haven't posted any CG previews for Aya Edition. I'll try to release it around the 22nd, but I'm really not sure... The animation might not be ready for that date. My animator was working on Clumsiness. Just keep in mind that it might be one of the rare times when I can't release it in a way that all the tiers can have access to it this month. I don't like doing this, but I guess it's my fault for always biting more than I can chew.


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