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I can't believe it's been almost a month since the last update. 

I'm awfully sorry about the delay. I don't know where the time has gone. I've been having little respite from life recently, with professional and health issues. It's been hell.

At least I've managed to complete the chapter. It sheds some light on Shirou's background in this timeline and set a few points for the future. I hope you enjoy it. Tomorrow I'll put up the update poll.

See you soon.



Oh wow, Kanshou and Bakuya Alternative, Shirou’s dangerously close to a hard path with those. Plus, hearing what happened to everyone he cared about... This Shirou’s had a rough time

Aaron Hardin

So how close is he to unlimited lost works?

Yannik Wagner

I am not so versed in the different depictions of Emiya across all media. Is there already enough information to narrow down from which story this one in particular is?


I'm really enjoying the slow-methodical build-up in this story. We don't often see a Shirou from the Fate route and I'm excited to see what you do with that. Also I'm just really curious to see how you develop the Sekirei cast and how they will interact with the Type Moon universe and Shirou in particular. TL;DR - I'm sure stoked to see where this goes!

Parker Maisterra

Well shit this is extremely interesting, for some reason I didn't expect Shirou to have the weapons (or at least prototypes) of his Alter form. Logically it does make sense though since the last time anyone saw a guy kill another in a conflict using a bow and arrow was back in WW2 (mad jack you crazy sob)