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Hello everybody,

sorry for the long wait. The past few weeks have been hard on me, creatively speaking. I fell into an emotional dump and couldn't muster the enthusiasm to write anything. Forcing myself to write produced lackluster results that have promptly been scrapped.

Am I out of it? Not yet, unfortunately, but after much suffering I did manage to produce something that I think it's worthwhile reading.

Here's Chapter 10 of On Wings of Steel. Chapter 11 will similarly be released in a few days. 

I see you all soon.



Very interesting chapter, I particularly enjoyed your characterization of Kazehana. She's a lot more complex than she was in the manga/anime, which is great considering there was so much potential with her character. Basically more set-up and character development. I'm really liking this look into the head of a more cynical and regret-filled Shirou's mind. I hope that he can somewhat come to terms with his feelings or guilt and failure and move passed them eventually. Maybe at the end of this whole Sekirei Plan episode. Sad to hear you're struggling Neoalfa. Hope you get over this creative slump and get back into the swing of things! No pressure, take frequent breaks to recharge and do other things you love! All the best with your writing!

Eternity Smut

Now this is getting interesting. Shirou is getting dragged deeper in the the hole. Hopefully Kazehana doesn't try to dig deeper into Shirou's past...because that can lead get her entire species getting killed.

Original Name

I think I missed a chapter. The last one I read was chapter 7. I can't find the one where Kazehana is introduced. Edit: DW sorted it out.


It has been almost a month since the next chapter was supposed to be out, "...in a few days." I think we have a very different idea of what a few days entails.


You are right and I apologize. Things have been quite stressful and I have been truly overwhelmed by life, work and health issues. The chapter has been completed though and it's currently being proofread. My beta too has been having technical difficulties on his part, which didn't really help. Sorry about that.