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A question about the future.

  • Faster, better, stronger! (Rewrite) 56
  • If it ain't broken don't fix it. (Keep going) 49
  • I don't read this story anyway. 8
  • 2019-03-06
  • —2019-03-09
  • 113 votes
{'title': 'A question about the future.', 'choices': [{'text': 'Faster, better, stronger! (Rewrite)', 'votes': 56}, {'text': "If it ain't broken don't fix it. (Keep going)", 'votes': 49}, {'text': "I don't read this story anyway.", 'votes': 8}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 9, 11, 8, 34, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 6, 11, 10, 32, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 113}


Hello everybody. I know this is an unexpected post, but I was working on the next chapter of Promises while waiting for the definitive results of the update poll.

I first started writing this story so many years ago trying to see how many parallels I could draw between Fate and Love Hina, as well between Shirou and Keitaro. I had a few plot points I wanted to touch upon but I didn't plan things out as carefully as I should have.

As result, I feel that story is highly unbalanced, both in the advancement of the plot as well as character development.

Now, with the clarity of hindsight and a few years of writing experience under my belt, I think I can do much better.

The question now is: would you support a rewrite of Promises of a Wandering Hero? Or would you rather I kept writing it as I have been doing thus far?


Yannik Wagner

Personally I am quite attached to the story as it is. How about we keep the main plot-points, you give as some kind of flashback detailing the changes that you mad to the story and characters and keep going from there? Sorry for the bad description


Hmm, as annoying as it would admittedly be to start this story over from scratch, I trust your judgement, Neoalfa. Plus I think that we'd appreciate the rewrite more once enough time passed. My personal advice is to not treat this poll as something you absolutely have to abide by, but merely a means by which you can gauge the overall opinion of your fanbase. In the end though, I think you should do what you feel is best for your own stories. Don't force yourself to write something you don't want to.


What exactly would the plan be? Will you be spending time rewriting eveything on your own? Or will the story get rebooted and every time it wins rthe poll we would get 2 new rewrited chapters? Because in the second case (unless the story is completly different) we would need (26/2=13) about a year before we reach this point again. Actually more than a year since a different story would be updated everytime it won 3 times in a row


I would rewriting on my own, separately from the update rotation. The story would have both small and big changes. Particularly in terms of characterization. Some things would be tweaked to make it more in line with the Nasuverse (such as Motoko blatant use of ki).


Just to clarify, would it also be removed from the rotation until you reach this point again?


It would be updated, non-regularly, every two chapters written. I would say that I'd update monthly, but firm deadlines have a way to chip away at my quality.


It would rejoin the rotation as soon as the story will reach a similar length, not necessarily the same events.


That wouldn't really work. I'm not saying that the story will be entirely different, but the tone would be. It's not something that can be conveyed through a synopsis.

Gergely Boza

Well, you are the writer, so if you feel somewhat dissatisfied with the story plotwise, then I certainly don't mind if you rewrite it - even though it'll be a long wait for us readers :)


In my experience rewrites tend to drain authors of their enthusiasm, and tend to peter out after the initial burst. I’d rather not see POAWH and your other fantastic stories suffer because of it.


I honestly can see both sides of the coin here. On one hand, a rewrite outside the normal update schedule would be nice and I think it would improve story cohesion and even possibly draw in more of a fan base for this story. On the other side, we are in the tick of things right now and it would take some time to reach this point again. Personally, I would like a rewrite, I always like to streamline things and to make it so that things fall more in sync with the two worlds.


If you wanted to rewrite it, I would want a totally different story. I wouldn't want to wait months to get to the same point in the story.

Justin Éxito

If you do rewrite, please don't take down the original. That way, old fans can still re-read if they want to.

David Evans

I'd like to know where you think the story needs improvement in all honesty - I preferred the first half of Promises as I think you have rushed the story and the quality has dropped a little (I still enjoy it however) as you have introduced more of the nasuverse. After the Arc where Shirou rescued Motoko I feel like it's all been a bit rushed and haphazard and there has been less care and attention on the character interactions. So I'd personally want to know if in a rewrite you would simply be introducing more Nasuverse elements as unfortunately (even though I am a massive fan of the Nasuverse and had never actually heard of Love Hina previously) that is where the story falls down I think.


I don't really see this pacing problem you or others are bringing up. I'm against a rewrite, at least, so long as the current version is in progress.