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At long last, it is done. Sorry about the long wait.

So, about this series of update. I think you'll find some similarities with Gabriel Blessing's "In Flight" fic. However these are merely coincidences. My reason for picking certain characters over others is due to my own narrative choices. You'll for yourselves where they'll take us.

Speaking of the setting, this isn't going to be just a "Shirou gets into the Sekirei franchise" kind of story. I am rebooting Sekirei as well, not just in light of the Nasuverse, but in light of itself.

Let's face it, Sekirei could have done a lot more than what it did with the concept of an alien race living among humans. This story will branch away from the Sekirei plan, which in turn will have a different meaning than the original

Away, here goes nothing. I hope you enjoy it

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 



Thanks. Could have been worse but I managed. Thanks for the patience.

Eternity Smut

Jesus this is huge lol.


That's what she said. Jokes aside, chapter one is merely a rewriting in third person. It doesn't really add anything.


Your Shirou makes sad:( The story is interesting but still seeing a virtually broken Shirou like this makes my heart ache. I hope he finds his way again, that and I hope he wings Tsukiumi too since she was my favorite Sekirei. I think her and Shirou would make a good combo besides Tsukiumi my other favorite was Kazehana who actually might fitting for this Shirou since both their hearts are borken.

Eternity Smut

Broken Shirou is depressing.

Eternity Smut

The clock tower is still doing their job and etc. Atlas is fine inside their massive geofronts with mini mooncell like compters. This is going to be fun.


I get the feeling MBI is somewhat aware of the magi side of things...

Eternity Smut

Probably just the Sekirei magic side of things, If I'm guessing it right based on Takami is talking about. Previous humans that aren't related to the gods or favoured by them can't use magecraft at all. Magecraft is stated to be a way for man to wield the miracles of the gods. It wasn't until Solomon that magecraft was possible to be enacted by mankind via big-'G' God trolling other pantheons. There are ways to strengthen dying or dead mysteries. A fairly recent work written by nasu talked about it. The conceptual framework of Angels can be used to take functionally dead mysteries to super charge them. It practically states that a modern day magus is in business of angel acquisition, sorta. If a magus can't use a curtail spell just add angels to do the work and boom! They're in business to go. It's the secret sauce of magecraft apparently. Old fashioned magecraft my be dying but God's super sauce is the fix hahaha. Maybe the why the Church doesn't like assocaition because the heck are they doing with angels. Back to MA. Chaldea had to desummon their servants once the Association, the UN(their influence) and Church went to give them a visit after the fight with Goetia. Because the association was pissed because super accurate magical calendars are telling them there's a one year blank in history. Between the time goetia purge the world and post goetia, it doesn't exist. Mage Association is deeply tied to the modern world even if they try to distance themselves from it. MA, UN and the Church, the holy trifecta haha. They're like world's dictator that doesn't really care about the mundane, until it piques their interest. An organization strong enough that even Chaldea with all it's legion of servants have to 'bend the knee' in a sense. SHIVA read the future using some funky merger between science and tech. TRI-HERMES has the processing power to read the past analyze the future in the with near exact accuracy in the next 100 years. The Association, namely Atlas gave Chaldea an inferior version 'to help' them out when the project began. Altas could have technically given Chaldea super androids supposedly loitering inside their geofronts to assist chaldea servants...but y'know they aren't that generous. They're an organization that wouldn't exist if they lack competence. Their technology is leagues ahead of what's possible in the mundane world, and just like magecraft they don't like sharing.

Eternity Smut

Shirou can basically take a random scripture from the bible and see if can findout there's an angel for a specific magecraft. Or at the very least interpret the scripture in that way. That's how I'm visualizing him creating bounded fields. Since the human order dictates the laws of physics (they exist because humanity wanted to find the cause of an event or a phenomenon) of the world humanity can bring back magic without bringing the age of the gods back. Humanity just need to believe in it's existence.


Hey Neoalfa, I have read some spoilers from the thread but the thing I don't seem to find (if it is not a spoiler) is Shirou's connection to the Sekirei verse. What I mean is: is he Minato Sahashi (like In Flight), is he another Sahashi sibling (like in Shattered Blade) or is he not connected and Takami's reaction is because of something different (for example they connetcted the blood sample with a past event that Shirou participated, and they were interested in that event).


He's not a Sahashi. He does have a connection to the cast, but I won't spoil it yet.


I was super excited to read these chapter and my excitement was not disappointed. Broken!Shirou is a sadness but it means that he has all the more room to grow and to be healed. In chapter three, when he met one of my all time favorite Sekirei, the idea struck me that he could very easily run across certain Sekirei that he could never say no to, as they remind him far too much of those he has lost, Akitsu is very similar to Sakura, especially a Sakura that went through 10 more years of struggle and hardship under the Great Evil Worm. Once I made that connection, other possibilities popped up. All that being said, as always I love your work and can't wait to read more of it, which ever gets written next. Keep up the amazing work.


Will Luvia be in here? I don't think she was on the death list and well Shirou was said to be her type plus I'm immensely fond of her character as well as potential pairing with Shirou just wondering:)

Alejandro Ibarra

First greetings, finally could separate enough to update my list of patreons, just wondering, are there chapters 4 and 5 of wing steel? Or did I miss an explanation about them


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