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These aren't the kind of posts that I like to make, but sadly I must make them.

There is little to say other that I'm not going to deliver the chapters today was I was hoping to. 

To be honest, this story fought with me tooth and nail. I wrote more than the standard 10K words if I consider all the versions I scrapped. Finally I managed to settle on something I find acceptable but I'm still a long way from being done.

I was hoping to deliver at least one chapter by today, but it's already getting quite late and I'm nowhere near a satisfactory point.

Anyway, I'm definitely going to deliver the full experience by next Sunday. This will have no impact on this month's update.

Feel free to curse at me as you will. I certainly deserve it.



To be fair, we did have you start writing something you haven’t thought about since 2015. It’s not like it’s the easiest thing in the world to just turn back to something like that. Plus, it give me more time to focus on Fate/ Fantasy. Keep up the good work Neo, we will wait for you to work it out with only minor grumbling.


No problem, as they say good things come to those who wait and patience is a virtue:)


I appreciate the update.


As it's been noted, you're working on something you haven't touched in years otherwise. I'd much rather have an update saying you're working at it but it's being a pain in the ass and it's taking longer than you expected it to than an update bullshitting your progress, no update at all, or the worst option in my opinion, something of really sub-par quality just for the sake of getting something done. So no worries.

Eternity Smut

Don't care man. As long as it's good, I'm fine with delays. Take your time. A nd It's been over a year since you've worked on this and new stuff from nasuverse lore has also revealed some of the inner workings of the clock tower and the world at large. The ironic and unfortunate delay has bee been beneficial for this story in the long run ;P


Don't worry man. Take your time. We're not going anywhere.


Take your time to make it a good piece please


When it comes to Patreon there is a certain stigma of having to produce content on a deadline. I think it comes from the fact that most authors do manage to stick to their promises and therefore failing is regarded unfaivorably. However each Patreon community is unique and everyone understands that setbacks are part of life. Quality over a deadline is acceptable in my opinion. Peace.


Hey man it's all good you do you


Honestly, I don't mind. On Wings of Steel is basically not started, at best chapter 1, the one that was before, was a teaser towards what it could be, and if starting of a story well is probably the most important part, if that takes nearly two weeks extra, then so be it.


Good god, I should have read that comment through before pressing enter.

Eternity Smut

The expanded lore is beneficial to this fic. I mean magi aren't idiots and ignorant of technology. UN-sanctions Chaldea. UN is full of magus dudes or magus handlers hahaha. Talk about the ruling organization of the world in a literal sense. They actually use Magitech beyond that of the Sekirei is shown to be capable of. Which makes the story even more interesting. Though I not sure if Neo is still keeping that old idea of 'dead' Rin he was talking about in the forum years ago,