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With the new series becoming quickly popular I wanted to give all my patrons the chance to see a woman of their choice compete! Wether it is in video or photoset format made available to that tier for viewing. for e.g if your unit is chosen but you are on a lower tier that doesn’t have the video benefit you may still see your character featured in the photoset if they are chosen.

I Would like any willing participants to please comment below or send me a character description of a unit. Name, Hair, clothing etc 

and when creating these tournaments I will put each patrons unit name through a random generator. The chosen units will make it into the tournament. But your unit winning is not promised. I will also allow The generator to choose what unit survives that round! This will be available to all patrons so please take advantage of this fun little game of chance while it lasts!

This will not affect the bounty patrons custom if they choose to also create a tournament as they have full control of what happens for their own custom.
This will only apply to when I do the tournament myself. Good luck! And get creating! 



Just making something up here - Natalie, long hair, tiny jean shorts and a mid-off crop top. She is very a very capable fighter with an AR15, but she doesn't really want to kill for whatever reason.


I would love to see one of the clones in the trench coat and boots and gloves battle it out from the customs before! Win or lose it’ll be a sight to see her shooting her gun while the coat flows in the wind