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After slaying the man who attempted assassinating her , the Commander sends his troops, (now hers after a hefty payment was given) back to her base. Strolling with her head held high, letting her guard down a man appears from the darkness and demands her up against a wall. Gun drawn he points it into her back.The Commander already familiar with situations likes this, plays off as sweet and innocent. But the mysterious man has already witnessed what she has just done. He removes her gun with his weapon still steady against her. This agent did not plan on executing her quickly. No. He wanted to do what his friend never did. And that is to retrieve whatever Intel she has before bringing her down. His forms of punishment though were quite interesting. She was bad, and he wanted her to know just how bad she is. He relished in the thought of leaving his mark on her before taking her life. This pleasurable punishment will hopefully get her talking. The Agent moved the Commander over to a barrel placed nearby. Tossing her onto it and demanding she arch her back in his direction. The more she played dumb the harder he spanked her. This form of interrogation raises eyebrow’s amongst his posse. So he dare not speak to much about it. 




Wow! Hot! 😍


Hmm... at that close proximity, a firearm isn't really a versatile enough tool to maintain control. A second's lapse of concentration would be more than enough to turn the tables. And then who would be the one held over a barrel? I wish evil guys were a bit more mindful sometimes... Please send my condolences to his former posse.