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Breast Buy is growing in support and mammary momentum! And all thanks to you lovely people. Just wanna hop in here and say what you can expect moving forward but... oh wait first let me do an index so people can find the order of the strip easier.

Breast Buy 1.1 Jessie's New Job

Breast Buy 1.2  Welcome to Breast Buy

Breast Buy 1.3 Protection Plan Recommended

Now Breast Buy did start as a free, but limited web comic. Something we always wanted to continue but had to justify time wise and because of you amazing patrons we can do that. We also know that times are hard and many cannot support us like they would love to and we refuse to make this just a paywall project so I wanted to share with you  kind of our model, what your money does, and what your perks will be as our financial support.

Right now Moose and I are in the process of writing the next 10 strips for both release and buffer. Some of them will finish out as just strips on twitter while we post the stories for the first arc in here. The free pieces on twitter will be staggered until the stories here effectively lap them and at full steam with a buffer, we hope to (most weeks not counting holidays and emergencies) get you both the new strip and it's story weekly) Stories and Strips will still stagger release in a biweekly method so our free fans still always get a strip or  a story but as you are getting both weekly, the major perk is that you will be waaaaay ahead of what's on twitter, getting double the content.

We also want to keep the support to this comic always at $1. Cheep and affordable driven not by large gifts but a large group of fans. Even in the $3 combo tier, only a dollar is dedicated to Breast Buy. That $1 is always split profit wise between Moose and I as well... so you can see when you're talking multiple thousands of words a week as well as art... we need all the support we can get.

We hope to do other drives in the future, and special events for patrons exclusively and then the public at large as well. We have lots of plans and we know it's gonna be a fun ride! so everyone pile into the Teat Squad buggy and let's get this show bouncing!

We also have an official Twitter now HERE  if anyone wants to support us on social media and help get the word out!

Thank you again and I hope you love the stories and antics to come





The link for 1.1 appears to be broken


Thank you hun, should be fixed now!