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                                                    BREAST BUY Fleshed Out

                                                               By Jessie Star

Based on the Comic By MoosenTracks8008 and Jessie Star

"Protection Plan Recommended" Part 1.3

Graham was a frustrated man, waiting in a technician line for a computer that was three days outside of it’s return policy. He was kicking himself for not coming in earlier, for procrastinating himself into a holw. The thing had been acting funny for days, slowing down his digital art and photo manipulations and making his life on Patreon a bit of a stress point. He had given his phone number to a busty redhead behind the counter who disappeared into the back to look up if he had paid for some protection and all he could do was wait. The whole thing was just severely off putting. He had never purchased here before, his old tech chain having gone bankrupt he decided to give this one a try on a whim… and because of a good price. He remembered trying to get in and out as fast as he could, avoiding the sales people as much as possible but also noting how enormously endowed they all seemed to be. That’s all he could remember of his trip to Breast Buy, the bustyness of the staff not if he had paid extra for an extended warranty or whatever. And all of that now weighed heavily on him, literally, as he thought back to when his issues had actually arrisen.


                                                                                     ~ + ~

Another error message, another spinning wheel or hourglass or whatever it was telling him things were processing, then failed to process, then processing again.

The damn thing had worked fine when he got it, but over the weeks he had more and more difficulty with it’s speed and downloading problems. His patreon was beginning to run woefully behind on expansion content and between this new HP (Hugetit Packer Machine) and some of his ripped software Graham was experiencing crashing and freeze ups every 3 minutes. Sometimes just being slowed down, sometimes losing all his work. He was going to have to bring it in and he hoped they could look up his receipt, how long ago had he bought it aga-

“Damn it! Frozen again?” He was now devolving into caveman level computer operating. Clicking enter on the picture to swell her boobs over and over again, knowing full well you don’t keep clicking when frozen, it just stacks the damn thing with the same task, not help it get through the first one faster. Click… click… click, click,clickclickclickclick! ZAP!

“Hooooly Cheese Cake!” Graham shook his hand in disbelief, the shock he had suffered from his mouse. He turned his hand over looking for a burn or mark as an odd tingle ran up his forearm past his elbow. The artist looked back at the computer, still trying to process his request, maybe he should reboot the whole thhhhhing- “Ahh” Graham groaned as two new pains centered on his nipples like something has stung them. He threw his hands to his chest protectively, only to be shocked and bewildered by the marble sized nubs pushing back at his palms through his t-shirt. “What the hell is-” he gave them a little squeeze and his eyes rolled into his skull, body shuddering and his member... erect? That was the most painful, pleasurable thing he had ever experienced. Graham was panting, even his body had the slight dampness of onset sweat. His eyes tried to focus despite his fluttering eyelids, passing over a loading bar on his computer screen, stuck at 15%. “Wow, what came over me, my chest… it’s... so sensitive” his fingers, aware of their mistake the first time, now gingerly cupped his front, and boy was he surprised when his typically toned pectorals had some soft warm give to them. Also still way too sensitive... His fingers sank into his soft mounds, sending him into another shudder. His boner sent off an angry throb demanding attention. “What has gotten into me!?”  Graham checked the loading, now at 25%, and decided to run to the bathroom while whatever update finished.

“Oof. OOF!” Each step seemed to cause his swollen pecs to jiggle slightly, and each jiggle dragged his throbbing nipples against his t-shirt. The damn top was cotton and for whatever reason his nips felt like someone was sanding them, such was the level of their sensitivity. Four feet from his bathroom his chest gave off another surge of feelings, running up and down his spine like warm static. By the time he was in front of the mirror he was getting paranoid. Grabbing the bottom of his shift he tried to pull it up over his head and that’s when things got really odd. The hem of his Tee got caught. To be more precise it got caught on his chest. And not like… caught with some resistance and some drag. The bottom of his fitted shirt had hooked and scooped up flesh, pulling it higher, tugging at his ribs. He yanked it harder in frustration, and even with his head still in the cavern of his t-shirt… that warm tingling flop he felt as his chest fell out of his shift and smacked back on his ribs… he was almost afraid to look. One last tug and the shirt was off, and his fears realized. Where his typical well sculpted pecs should be, now hung two well rounded perky tits, capped with big cherry nipples and not an ounce of his normal hair.

His breathing got shallower and stuttered, hands shaking, hovering over the masses. He could feel every jiggle and sway of them, afraid to touch them like he had a cobra coiled on his breastbone. “Wha-Wha-” but before he could finish his breathy sentence another wave of euphorian and tension rocketed through his chest and out his nipples. Graham stumbled forward, hands gripping the sink as he cried out “AaaAHHH” His thin legs buckled as the nipple throb was accompanied by a “glug-glug” feeling of fat pouring into the sacks on his chest, tugging his skin tighter and nipples wider. He looked down in his sink trying to ignore the sway of the human udders below him. “I have to be dreaming, I have to be… fell asleep making expansion smut and now… woah” As he stood, two firm womanly C cups wobbled like jello molds, shiney with sweat with the tiny trace of a blue vein on the side of the right one. He whined in his worry, wondering if he should call 911 or run to the hospital, when his sight landed on the purchase bag from “Breast Buy” he had yet to throw away. His mind rocketed back to the sales associates. Their entirely improbable busts! He thought it was like.. A tech version of hooters! But now he got it.. All the bizarre info and stats, he had essentially stumbled into one of his own breast expansion pieces… and somehow he was the target. “Oh shit… THE LOADING BAR!”

Graham sprinted across the house, t-shirt tightly gripped in his fist. His lean body moved quickly but he has never run with boobs before, bouncing wildly up and down, left and right, and unlike the oppai anime girls it was not comfortable at all having them flop about. He slammed his arm down on his bosom like a bear trap, and was again almost floored by sensation. No, scratch that, he literally hit the floor. The plump bumbs of fat on his chest squashing against the rug, which was hell on those nipples obviously. “Hnnnnng ah aahhh damn it!”  He slowly crawled up his desk chair, almost choking when he saw the download was only to 34%. Graham whipped the power cord out so fast it hit him in the face, his thumb pressing and holding the power button with a vengeance. He needed it to shut off, to hard boot. Hell the thing could die! He just needed it to stop and reverse. 

Anxiety and frustration built has he cradled his rug burned cleavage, until finally.. It went out. “Oh thank god” he let out in exasperated gasp, slamming the screen down on the new laptop. His breasts did not go down “Okay, this is no big deal, they can fix it… I’ll just head in, and get them to… undo whatever this is.” He gingerly slid his shirt back on, trying his best to not rub his nipples. Being a thin guy t-shirts that fit weren’t really baggy, and his melons were stretching this one quite full. The good news is it held them in place at least. Now all he had to do was pack it up and drive… thirty minutes. No biggie just-

Another shot of sensation, another gurgling and his mammaries tightened again, filling like water balloons into the D cup range, nipples prominent and angry. The damn thing, even off was still affecting him! “They can fix it, th-they can fix it. No biggie”


                                                                                       ~ + ~

Jess audibly growled and rolled her eyes. “It’s a huge biggie and it’s frustrating no one can fix it” She pouted behind the Teat Squad wall just out of view of the customers.

“It’s not broken Jessie, it’s just how the downsizer is designed. Three cups a person a day. And the other day you took quite a wallop.” Chuckled Jazz, head of the Teat Squad, as she swept some of her curly black ringlets out of her face. She wasn’t a typical geek that was for sure. Her lovely dark complexion and defined muscles the opposite of the pasty, flabby picture people tried to make of technicians. She had a quick wit, a bright smile, and could beat most the men at the bar she went to after work hours in arm wrestling.

“Then let’s call it… a broken system? I’ve been hiding on your team doing evaluations just so I can have full days of….not getting fuller!” she motioned at her still enlarged bosom, far from the beach balls they had been on the day of the “photo incident!” and yet any time she waved her arms in frustration her overly stuffed white button up would pop a button giving everyone a show of lace and creamy freckled flesh, which it just had.

“And what if it’s set to that for safety concerns, to combat too much instability?” Jazz giggled as she finished an update on one computer and stood up to wrestle with Jessie’s shirt to fix the button.

“Maybe, and also maybe corporate possibly thinks having women with swollen tits will up sales” she breathed out as she squinted to give the shirt more give to work with.

“Well if that’s the case” Jazze fixed the button and met Jess’ minty green eyes with her glasses covered chocolate brown ones “I would say their plan is working and thus not broken when measured against its purpose, not that I would agree with said purpose. But still, that would be a well oiled, hardly broken, if sleazy plan.”

“I’ll be back later with a… proof on it being morally broken.. Or something… I dunno”

“Plenty of the girls like it, and those like me who are eh... I just don’t let it happen to me ya know? Unless I have a hot date and wanna see a funny reaction” The tech lead smiled as she got the button fastned.

Jess took in a slow testing breath, feeling her white button down get tight, but hold. “Anyways Tiffany. Did you finish”

The blonde popped her bubble gum never looking up from her phone. “Finish what?”

Jess spoke slow and deliberately “I came back here to see if my customer has a protection plan”

“Sure, just give me his receipt” she said with a sigh, sticking out her hand while still checking her social media.

“I did! I did like fifteen minutes ago! He’s been waiting… Tiffany?” Jess put her hands on her hips and stood there till the girl looked up, which she eventually did, with a bored look on her face.

“My bad…” POP went her gum.

“I’ve got it Jessie” Jazz stepped in, scanned the receipt and within seconds had a response. “Yeah no plan, out of return policy. All they have is a warranty and that’s not gonna cover user error like viruses. We can fix it though. Do you know our price sheet?” She asked handing the receipt back to Jess.

“Yeah yeah I got it, thank you Jazz.” Jess went back towards the exit to customer service. “You should still fix the downsizer to at least five cupsizes instead of corporates idiotic rules” she said on her way out.

“Or be more careful on the sales floor” Jazz chimed back, “Better take that back though before corporate hears your smack talking, Jessie Girl” she laughed and returned to work.

“No I won’t take it back!” Jessie sassed back at the hidden outcove behind her. “The ‘Downsizer’ should be able to remove more than three cup sizes worth of mass per day. This is bullshi-- OH!” Her customer was waiting looking more disgruntled and … swollen than ever. “Right, So um, I looked up your purchase and… no. You did not purchase the Teat Squad Protection Plan.”

Graham squinted his eyes, his back aching as he hefted his now very heavy G cup tit in his hand, his shirt was starting to tear along with the last of his patience. “So how much would it cost me to get this-” he hefted his swollen sensitive breast higher “fixed?”

“Yeah, that’s $100 to start. We never really know what we’re dealing with until we get in there.” She said very matter-a-factly.

“$100…” His eyes narrowed and his temper boiled. He could almost feel the temperature rise in his newly grown mounds of fat.

“-per side. I wouldn’t wait, if it’s a virus those “problems” might get bigger.”

“I can’t believe this!” He threw his hands up smacking his breast and groaning as it throbbed in response, wobbling wildly and dragging his nipple against the material of his shirt. “I want to speak with a manager!”

“I understand you are upset-”


Jess..bit her lip, letting her own anger drain a little before she let her temper out for a walk in public. “Sir… I am a manager. And we are just a vendor. We sell products, and ways to protect products and right now contractually.. This is the ‘only’ way I can help within liability. If you want to seek another solution, you are more than welcome to.” Her face melted into a bit of sympathy but she remained firm. “If you want to seek outside ways of fixing it I understand. I’ve just seen a lot of new viruses lately so no matter what you choose, I want to say… I get the anger. I mean Mr. Wilson is in the same boat, and he also doesn’t want to pay so he’s walking out.”

“Mr. Wilson?” Graham asked and followed the direction of Jess’ head nod to the side. At the other end of the counter was a woman with blonde beehive hairdo, giant pink lips, and curves just oozing out of a tiny pink mini-dress. At least that’s what Graham thought they saw until they were quickly corrected as the college looking wobbling woman of silicon opened her mouth.

“I tell you, you young people have no respect for your elders. In my day a business would bend over backwards in cost and service to help a customer, not hold them responsible. Virus… it’s a hoax! So like… I’m like gonna take my business elsewhere cuz…” he was fanning himself and licking her glossy fat lips, looking like a barbie doll in heat “I’m obviously like, not getting what I need from you people!” And he stumbled out as her non matching loafers became 4 inch pink heels.

Graham looked back at Jess with terror in his eyes. “Nasty Virus that” Jess said sadly “But I mean… he looks great for 75, am I right?

*Thanks for reading one of our Fleshed Out Stories. I'll be putting up a post that makes it easier to find them all in order as well as a a break down of how your contributions are helping us grow the world, and the boobs! of Breast Buy!*

Breast Buy Manager of store 80085
Jessie Star



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