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link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/a219l366i8c7qbnvsi4dk/PercyJackson1x05FullReactTHIS.mp4?rlkey=dc7al2pnzmto9rk3z64x8d211&dl=0

(no subbed version bc its a new show)


Meryl Smith

Well, we can officially add "will hit a woman" to Topher's character traits. Some characters won't do it, but we have confirmation that he will do that. I really love the musical theme whenever Bennett and Topher interact. It's cool that we finally got a Wesley vs Faith fight that no asked for, but was appreciated in a way. Been waiting to talk about this episode especially because of the great acting exercise that it provides for Enver Gjokaj playing Topher. This is something that really requires the actor to portray all the little eccentricities that the character has in a unique way that can either seen a perfect replication of that performance or putting your spin on it (which can also be an even more demanding acting exercise, if you understand the assignment given to you and exceed all expectations that you're given).