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link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/up8v9zmpdqq1ax6r1c8gn/Drunk-Buffy-Rewatch-4x10-With-Alley.mp4?rlkey=rbhofasdm4z0wxsws92nhfr0q&dl=0

link to domi's channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/domie

Happy Halloween! Love love love doing collabs with my friend, Domi <3 Hope you guys also enjoy em! This one was so fun, especially because the episode is amazing.

Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!! :D



Mitch M

You might consider other 90s or 2000s teen shows that people who watched Buffy would remember--Dawson's Creek, Roswell, and the original Charmed all spring to mind. If you want shows other people haven't reacted to much, you might consider The West Wing (a personal fave from the Great Aaron Sorkin, and one I've never seen anyone react to), Stargate Atlantis (For this one, you'd probably end up watching Stargate SG-1 first, and that franchise has a really devoted following, and does have a few reactors, though SGA is a late off-ramp. I can only think of 2 reactors doing this show, and I'm eager every time they post, but you could probably get a few years out of that franchise), Battlestar Galactica, X-Files (especially if you enjoy a show with UST), Fringe, Gilmore Girls, and Doctor Who (the new series).


Yes. To a lot of these. Battlestar Galactica seems like the next best option to me. So many actors that appear in it also are in other things she has watched. It's also the perfect binging show...


You definitely need to do more of those . You two are so funny together. I did watch you to the very end. Also, as one of those people who still really enjoys Superbatural after season 5, I think Domi should at least react to the 1st two seasons to see if it's for her. It might not be but I would love to rewatch with her if it is.