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Parasite (2019)

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bit0jen4hrbgcmg5qrmg6/ParasiteFullReactTHIS.mp4?rlkey=q5h76pay7dnd2cpfmve4c7s3m&dl=0

Anotha spooky one to end out the month!! (even though it ended up not even really being that scary lmaooo)

Hope yall enjoy! And let me know what you guys think of these movie reactions. I added them this month to test em out :)

Next: Dollhouse 1x08 on Sun 11/5



Graeme McCutcheon

Another thing about that rainstorm conversation you talked about: just before the shopping sequence, we see the family grabbing fresh clothes from a big pile in the emergency shelter, so that pollution remark probably has additional subtext as Mr Kim's clothes won't have the basement smell


Parasite is an exceptional movie! Not what I'd think of as a scary/Halloween one tho 🤔 But a film definitely deserving of all of its awards